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" "Phantom"! Come in! This is the "Ghost"! Do you read me?" said Hera through the communications.

"We can hear you Hera. Loud and clear." said Sabine.

"We?" Hera asked.

"I found Ezra in an escape pod far away from the ruins of the Star Destroyer." replied Sabine.

"Well I guess that is good news... When did you find him and why have you not answered any of our previous attempts to reach you?"

I motioned for her to tell the truth.

"I didn't answer because I was to focused on trying to find Ezra. I am sorry... I know what I did was rash... but I just had to." said Sabine.

I respected her decision to lie to Hera, but I really wished she had not lied... lies just make the truth that much harder to swallow.

"I understand Sabine and I am glad you found Ezra, but we need you back here on the double if we are going to have another shot of freeing those Wookies." stated Hera.

"Actually... Hera... Ezra stole some imperial information before he escaped and he said he knows where the wookies are going." said Sabine.

"Is this true Ezra?" questioned Hera.

"Yeah... Ever heard of the spice mines of Kessel?"

We boarded the "Ghost". Before we met up with the rest of the crew Sabine pulled me aside.

"Ezra... Just so you know... I want to keep our relationship secret and only tell everyone else when it's absolutely necessary. Promise me you won't tell."

"I promise Sabine."

She leaned in and gave me a quick peck on my lips before walking towards the ladder to return to the lower decks of the ship.

I followed behind her and after answering all the crews questions, we quickly warped to Kessel. Once we arrived on Kessel, we preceded to find exactly where the wookies were being unloaded.

"There they are!" yelled Hera as she swooped down while firing the forward canons to clear the landing platform.

We formed up at the entrance ramp to the ship.

"Don't die Kid." Zeb remarked. "Don't want to have to carry your body out." He added before he started to snicker at the thought.

I swallowed hard. I knew this was life or death, but Zeb was not helping in making me feel any better about it.

"Go! Go! Go!" Hera yelled from the cockpit as the ramp lowered to reveal a blazing battle.

We quickly ran down the ramp and then ducked behind some crates for cover. My job was to free the wookies so we could attack from two sides. The others drew the fire of the storm troopers away and I slipped right past them. I glanced over to see how they were doing and saw they were pinned down. "I guess I better pick up the pace!"

I sprinted over to the wookies and began to free them from their binders. After they were free... they, without even telling them, began to attack the troopers from behind giving the crew an opening to gun down the rest of the troops while they scattered.

"We did it!" I exclaimed a little too soon.

As luck would have it, an imperial transport came out from the fog behind Hera and rained fire on her ship until she was forced to leave. We returned to cover as fresh troops hit the ground and began to open fire. Callus was with them.

"I can't land. Not with this many ships around." Hera yelled into the com channel.

I watched as Kanan cringed at the thought of something.

"We will just have to do a twenty-one pickup!" Kanan said answering Hera.

"What's a twenty-one pickup? What's the secret?" I asked Kanan.

"Kid. I am about to let everyone in on the secret." He retorted.

He stood up and stepped up and over the crates dodging laser fire with precise accuracy before combining two parts that hung on his belt and igniting a blade. It was a lightsaber!

Callus took on a stunned look before ordering his men to focus their fire on the "Jedi". Zeb busted open one of the containers and started to move the wookies into the container. One wookie resisted to be moved pointing and furiously howling at something. I looked to see a smaller form of a wookie being chased away from the fight by a trooper.

'I committed to this. I need to do what's right!' I thought to myself. 'No more selfish actions! No more running away!'

I ran after the smaller wookie.

"Kid stop!" yelled Zeb. "Ahhh! Carabast! I swear if he gets left behind this time it's not my fault!"

Kanan glanced around to only see Zeb and him were the only ones left on the battlefield.

"Is everyone in the cargo?" he asked.

"Everyone but the kid!" answered Zeb.

"Where is he!" yelled Kanan.

"Is think you inspired the kid to do something like you would do!"

Kanan still fighting looked into the distance in deep thought before boarding the crate at the last moment before the "Ghost" picked it up using its magnetic lock.

<Meanwhile on the other side of the battle field>

The wookie had found itself trapped on an incomplete bridge. Agent Callus was blocking the wookie's only exit. I quickly jumped up and over Callus, landing on the ground in front of the wookie. I faced Agent Callus in a crouched defensive position both arms out stretched to protect the wookie.

"It is a rare find; a padawan and a master; too bad that your little rebellion ends today!" Agent Callus said in an overconfident tone.

He raised his blaster to fire.

"Hey! Kid!" said Kanan as he floated up from the valley standing on top of the "Ghost", lightsaber ignited and ready to defend.

Agent Callus changed his focus from me to Kanan and opened fire. Kanan swiftly deflected the first few bolts of energy before sending one back to Callus hitting Callus in the shoulder and sending him over the edge of the railing.

"Kid! Jump!" Kanan quickly ordered.

I looked at the wookie and he new what I was about to say. He took off for the railing before jumping onto the ship, shortly followed by me.

Later on the wookies had patched communications through to their people on Kasheik and a transport came to pick them up. They said that if we ever needed help, we only need to call them and they would be there.

After the wookies had left I looked at Sabine. A glowing aura formed around her as she smiled at me. She walked up to me and leaned in.

"This is why I like you." she said in a whisper. Then she playfully tapped me on the tip of my nose and then grabbed my hand.

"Today you are a hero and in my culture all hero's get a reward." she said slyly.

I was in for one hell of a night.

A Star Wars Rebels Story... ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now