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Mac stayed in the cellar for a while, pacing back and forth. He'd really fucked up this time. He had agreed to become Andrea's boyfriend for her silence, but only for a short time. Now he needed a plan on what to do next. If, on the off chance Andrea managed to tell someone about Mac and Beth's past, perhaps the Greene's wouldn't believe her? After all they had known him longer that they'd known her. As far as they were concerned, Mac was a good guy who cared about the family and Beth. But even if they didn't believe that he was the one who'd kidnapped Beth, Andrea could tell them of all of the times he'd killed people or that he used to use meth. There was actually proof of that, what with the hicks on his chest. Surely Hershel wouldn't let Mac stay with Beth if that news got out.

Mac groaned as he sank onto a chair, staring at the ground with his head in his hands. He needed to figure out what to do next. His mind reverted back to his idea of killing Andrea. Dying was easier now that it had been before. Maybe he could lead her out to the barn and push her in with the walkers? No, someone would hear her scream when the dead ate her alive. Think Mac, think! He growled, kicking the ground as he gritted his teeth. Maybe he could just flat out shoot her and make it look like an accident? Yeah, how the fuck will you manage that? Mac huffed in frustration. He couldn't come up with a plan now. That meant he'd just have to roll with what Andrea wanted for now, and pray that she didn't want sex. He then sighed. How would he break the news to Beth, and get her to understand? He had to do it, for them.

Beth was setting plates on the table in a neat row, yet her mind was elsewhere. She was still scared to tell Mac that she might not be pregnant, considering what had happened the last time she's done that. She was pretty confident with her plan to sleep with him so that she would get pregnant for sure, but there was a nagging suspicion deep inside of her conscious. Was now really a good time to be starting a family? She knew Mac wanted kids and would do anything to protect them, but what would happen if Mac got hurt on a run to the city? Their kids wouldn't have a father and then her own father would be disappointed in her. After all, the only one who knew how intimate Mac and Beth were was Maggie.

Almost as if just the thought was enough to summon him, Mac came in through the back door carrying two chairs. He looked troubled, but before Beth could ask him what was wrong, a piercing gunshot split the air, making Beth scream in surprise. Who the hell was shooting guns so close to the house? Mac's head shot up at the gunshot as well, and he dropped the chairs and pulled out a pistol from the back of his jeans.

"Stay back," Mac growled to Beth. She nodded and ran behind Mac, resting her hand on his shoulder as a means of letting him know that she was there. He raised the pistol a little and flipped the safety off, then he made his way out of the house.

A group had gathered around the RV and were looking out towards the field, where Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn were standing. Mac lowered the pistol a little and gave chase, wanting to know what was going on. Beth remained on the porch, fear coursing through her veins as she glanced around for the source of the gunshot, when her eyes fell onto the glint of a rifle. The blonde woman, Andrea, was standing of top of the RV, holding the still smoking rifle in one hand as she shielded her eyes from the setting sun to examine her kill.

"What's going on? What happened?" Hershel's demanding voice boomed over Beth's shoulder, making her jump out of the way of her storming father.

"Walker came out of the woods. I got it." Andrea said casually, still watching the men. Beth felt her stomach squeeze as she turned her attention back.

The men were crouched around something by the time Mac arrived. He slipped the gun back into his pants after turning the safety on as he approached.

"Shit, do you think he's alive?" He heard T-Dog ask.

"He just got shot and is missing his hand. For all we know he could've been infected." Shane stated, his face grim. "I think it's safe to bet that he's dead."

"No, he's still breathing. Bullet must've just grazed him." Rick declared.

"The fuck is goin' on?" Mac demanded, looking over everyone's shoulder only to have his breath caught in his throat.

Merle was laying on his back, looking deathly pale and covered in blood. His right hand was clutching a bloody Bowie knife while his left hand... god he didn't even have a left hand. Mac felt ill just looking at his unconscious half brother. He was so pale and there was so much blood on him that he could understand why someone would think he was a walker. But, like Rick had said, his chest was rising and falling, proving that he was alive. The dead didn't breathe.

"C'mon, lets get him back to the house." Rick commanded, already reaching under Merle's full arm and beginning to hoist him up. Mac ducked down and grabbed his other arm, trying not to shudder at the feeling of the stub Merle now had rather than his left hand.

As the men dragged down by Merle's weight approached the house, Beth was staring in shock. Merle had been shot, and was missing his hand! Her eyes were wide, just as Mac yelled out "Open the door!" She didn't hesitate and yanked the front door open, letting the men pass with the unconscious man. She followed suit, just as Hershel came down the steps.

"What the hell's going on?" He demanded, but even he went a little pale at the sight of the bloodied Merle. Then he rushed down and followed them into Merle's room. Beth paused in the living room, wanting to help in some way, but then Denise started to wail. She turned her attention to her little niece, who was sobbing at the commotion. Beth scooped the toddler into her arms and cooed, trying to ease the child.

"What's going on?" Maggie asked, coming in from the kitchen.

"Merle... he's missing a hand..." Beth mumbled, still stunned by what she had seen.

Maggie's eyes widened and she quickly gave chase. Beth bit her lip as she sat on the couch, bouncing Denise on her leg. So much was happening all at once; first Annette died - got sick, then Shawn, then Otis died, now Merle was missing a hand, and Mac was acting weird. It was hard for Beth to wrap her head around. God she needed a distraction. A certain distraction from a certain man. But for now, she'd just have to wait for him to come out of Merle's room.

A Fallen Angel (Sequel to "A Kiss From Lucifer")Where stories live. Discover now