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The next morning Mac and Merle were standing with the rest of the group, once again they were going out to search for Sophia. Mac wanted to help find her, but he also wanted to get home to Beth. She was probably worried sick about him being gone for an entire day and night. Or maybe she was sick because of the baby. He hoped the latter option was true. He couldn't help but imagine them laying in her bed, using his finger to trace little patterns on her bulging stomach while he kissed her. He liked the idea of Beth being pregnant with his baby. And it'd happen, too. After all, he didn't have any birth control for her.

Suddenly a gun was thrusted into his hand, breaking his thoughts from Beth. He glanced up at Rick, who was now handing out handguns like it was Christmas. Everyone had a handgun, except Andrea.

"I should get my gun back, don't you think?" She demanded, and Mac rolled his eyes. Now was not the time to be bitching about whether or not you have a gun like everyone else. Besides; Mac didn't trust her with a gun.

When the others denied her request to have a gun, she huffed in frustration and crossed her arms. Mac never really noticed how pouty and bratty she could be up until this point. Then again, all the times he had fucked her where when he had been high as hell. Plus she was one of the cleaner whores in the canyons. That didn't mean he would go raw dog on her, that was certain, but her mouth was clean.

When he accidentally caught her eye, she turned to look at him, annoyance flashing in her eyes. "What?" She snapped.

Mac shrugged and turned away, listening half heartedly to Rick's instructions. Mac couldn't focus on anything at the moment. Beth was clouding his thoughts, and their potential baby.

Suddenly the kid, Carl, walked forward, up to Rick. "Dad, I wanna go."

Mac glanced at Merle and saw him chuckling a little. Mac smirked as well. This kid thought he could come! What a riot.

"Carl, no," Rick murmured gently to his son.

Carl opened his mouth to protest, until the old guy - Dale, wasn't it? - stepped forward. "Rick, if I may, I think he should go. After all, he has all of you to look after him. I'd say he's in good hands."

Mac glanced at Rick again, who looked reluctantly down at him son. Mac glanced up at the sky. If they didn't get a move on soon, there wasn't going to be much time to search. He glanced at Rick. "I think he should come, too. Better learn the dangers with a group than on his own." He pointed out.

Rick glanced at Mac before nodding. "Ok, you can come with us."

Carl smirked in victory, however Lori, his mother, didn't looked thrilled about the idea. But there wasn't any time to argue. They needed to move out.

Everyone, except for Dale and the black guy, T-dog, headed into the woods. Merle took the back and Mac took the front. Merle was right beside Carol. She looked small with her arms crossed and her head down. Merle glanced at her and bit the corner of his lip. "Hey, she's gonna be ok." Merle mumbled.

Carol sighed heavily and nodded, tears welling up in her eyes as she stared at the ground. Merle glanced ahead as well, finding that he wanted to comfort Carol. Damn. Hanging out with the Greene's was really messing him up. But maybe it was in a good way.

Merle sighed softly and glanced back at Carol. "How old is she?" He asked.

"12." Carol whispered.

Merle nodded again. What on earth could he say to make this woman feel better? "So, ya like music?" Well, not a bad start.

Carol nodded a little. "I like classical like Beethoven."

"Ain't that a dog?" Merle muttered.

Carol cracked a smile, which made Merle smirk in victory. "No, he wasn't a dog." She said, still smiling a little. "He was a deaf pianist."

"How the hell does he make music then?" Merle demanded.

Carol shrugged. "Who knows? But he was amazing. I love Für Elise."

"Huh. Why fur and not for?"

Carol rolled her eyes in playful exaggeration. "I don't know, why don't you ask him?"

"Ain't he dead?" Merle chuckled.

But Carol didn't chuckle, and he smile fell. Merle quickly caught his error. "She's fine. We're gonna find her, and she's gonna run right into yer arms."

Carol nodded softly, rubbing own fragile looking arms. Merle looked ahead, chewing his lip. "I like the name Elise. Pretty name."

Carol nodded. "I was gonna name Sophia that, but my husband wanted Sophia."

Merle nodded. He probably shouldn't bring up her possibly dead husband. "Any other pianists ya like?"

"Mozart." Carol said. "What music do you like?"

Merle shrugged. " I listen to rock when I work on my truck."

Carol nodded. "I could never get into rock."

Merle shrugged. "Yer missin' out then. You should really try givin' Disturbed a good listenin'."

Carol nodded. "Well, if we ever find a working radio and some CD's, I'll give it a try."

"Good. Ya won't be disappointed." Merle stated, smiling as Carol smiled ever so slightly. But deep down, Merle was hoping he wouldn't let Carol down.

A Fallen Angel (Sequel to "A Kiss From Lucifer")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant