Chapter 7

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The week was indeed long, tiring and full of either drama or rumors. It all started with the rumors of me and Adam the golden couple breaking up because I had cheated on Adam apparently all summer long with no other than Aiden, others would say it was with a university guy. Then there were sorry looks around Adam because his way to apologize to me was send roses to me four times a day everyday, people would say things about me, things like - Why would he want to be with her again after what she did? - and all that. Another apology method was his endless cupcakes and chocolates being sent during class hours with cheesy notes, that yes made me smile but at the same time cringe, I hated attention and all this matter was giving me too much. Clara could see that I was being affected by this but not in a good way. The only good thing is that Mika started spending more time with me and Clara in our outside table, she kept telling us that it was nice to finally have friends that were girls since all the time she would spend it with the guys and she was finally getting tired of them.

I didn't have much contact with Aiden after monday, I was trying to avoid him and I guess he was trying to do the same since I barely saw him or the guys. I decided to come half clean to Clara about how I met Mika, telling her that we used to have free period in the library and that that is how we met but as more and more happen I felt like I could tell Clara the whole truth about me and I was eighty percent sure she wouldn't judge me or stay away from me and that was the only thing that made me happy. On the other half mom kept asking me if I invited Aiden to the barbeque thing to which I say I did but he couldn't make it, is safe to say mom was and looked sad about that but she tried covering with a smile.

I was currently in my room, doing my homework since tomorrow was friday and we had a game, cheerleader get half day off with the condition that you have to turn in your homework and papers for the classes you are skipping. I turned to look at my uniform perfectly ironed and smiled, one thing I was sure about in my life was that I love football and nothing could change that, I was a cheerleader only because my dad wouldn't let me actually play the sport, so whenever I had to cheer at a match I become the happiest of girls.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I was feeling good, it was game day. I decided to take a long warm shower to relax, my coconut shampoo and body wash making me smell so good. I dried my hair then put it in a ponytail and with my curling wand I curled the ends and the strings framing my face at the front. I was wearing light makeup as usual but I added extra mascara for thicker lashes and a red lipstick that matched my uniform perfectly. I put my uniform since it was game day we were requested to wear it all day long, not that we minded. I ate my breakfast in silence thinking about all the things I had to do previous the match, I wave mom goodbye and made my way to school.

My dodge dart was still in the shop not that I care to ask since I wasn't speaking to Aiden, when I got to school it was nice to see everyone was into the school spirit, wearing the school colors and all, I smiled today was going to be a good day. People was barely paying attention in class since all they could talk about was football, the guys were making bets and the girls couldn't wait to see the cute guys from other schools. It was the first game of the season so of course everyone was excited about it and about the after party which usually was in the salad house which was the IT place.

Lunch came and as much as I wanted to spend it with mika, I had to spend it with the team and Adam, he was sitting next to me trying to give me food and more chocolates, I mean he was trying I get it and I was probably being a bitch since all I could think about was football. I smiled up to him, I didn't want to give away that I was having second thoughts about our whole relationship. To be honest the time off I was having it wasn't as bad as what I thought it would be, I thought I was going to cry everyday but nothing happen is like as if the relationship never happen. Which makes me a bad person, I know. I should've probably cared more for him and his feelings instead of just thinking about myself and how hurt I was. Rumors are still floating around, people who I thought would never say a bad thing about me were doing exactly that. It only made me realize that no matter if you are good or bad to people, they will always have two faces.

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