Chapter 4

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I woke up from the best dream I've ever had, I turn around in my bed and see the bright sun hitting my face, why was the sun so bright early in the morning? I stare at it for a moment when flashes of last night came to mind. I crashed, so what was I doing in my room? I have the same clothes I was wearing yesterday but no shoes, I took my phone from my bedside table and realize it didn't have battery, I started to charge it and immediately I started to get texts and saw the time it was two o'clock, I had missed school and practice. I got up but suddenly fell back in bed, I was still not feeling good. In that moment my mom decided to enter the room.

"I see you are finally awake" She smiled but I could see concern in her eyes.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up? I missed school and practice!" I say worried and that is when she looked furious.

"Skyler, you had an accident you are too sick to go to school or to be driving, I'm glad you are alive it could've been so much worst than just a scratch in your forehead" She said so fast in one of those angry/worried tones the mother's use. "If it wasn't for that young guy that realized it was you I don't know what could've happen" and now she was slightly crying.

"What young boy?" Of all she said that's what I got.

"A classmate Skyler, he was driving by the road and saw you crash into a lamp pole, he was there to help you out of the car and brought you home, safe. He even helped me to tow your car and he took it to his well known mechanic to get it fix" Well I guess there was still nice people in the world.

"Do you know who it was? I want to say thank you to him" I say I wasn't some ungrateful bitch.

"I didn't ask for his name I was too worried about you being unconscious" She says hitting my arm.

"Mom! I'm sorry" I sneeze a little, I guess I was truly sick.

"He had blue eyes, he was really hot and dark black hair, he owns a bike" She describes him and I knew immediately who it was.

"I can't believe this! Out of all the people, it had to be him? I'm not saying thank you to him, there is no way!" I shook my head, I was never going to do that, not to him. I got smacked in the shoulder again.

"You will, here is his phone number, you will say thank you and then see how the car is" She left some medicine in my bed and left the room.

I stare back at the piece of paper with his number written, I wasn't going to call him. The stubborn side of me wouldn't let me do that. I took my phone and saw the endless texts from Clara and a few from Mika, she probably heard all that happen, what made me angry was that I had no text from my so called boyfriend. I called Clara and told her to fill me in on the events of school and practice, she did as told even added the new rumors. Aiden didn't go to school so rumor was that I skipped school with him, great. She told me Adam believed it and he was acting normal at school, smiling and laughing, while I was sick in bed. She sounded angry at him, because he was talking to the whole cheerleading team as if he was a single guy and not in a relationship with me. I had to calm her down but I was feeling a little bit of that anger, was he for real? I waited all day in bed watching netflix for him to call or send a text, but nothing, hours pass and I heard nothing. Late at night I found myself in my balcony, looking outside with a blanket over my head, was this the end of me and him? Did he not care about me? Was he that mad?

When I sneezed twice I got inside, it was probably a bad idea to go outside. I sat staring at the pictures I had with Adam, it felt like we were breaking up but I didn't feel like crying, was it because me too didn't care? I don't know when it happen but I passed out, that is how I spend my weekend, netflix, tissues, food and Clara. When monday came, I still had no news from Adam, at least not directly, I saw his social media, he went to a party on friday, to lunch on saturday and the last pool party on sunday. He didn't care one bit if I was okay or not. That's when I realized that I wasn't going to let him step on me.

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