She almost believed him.

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"Hey,  Amels. What's up? I haven't talked to you in forever."

"Hey Everett." 

Normally she'd be more excited to hear his voice, but he hasn't called in forever. Also, all those times talking to Nick, she got to hear about the real him and how her Ev's really like.

"Ah, it's so weird not hearing you call me by my nickname you gave me."


"So what have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know..Just waiting for my friend to call." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, I was sick, and I was in bed all week."

She almost believed him. But then her mind went to all those phone calls with Nick about his friend partying, named Everett. So, he lied to her. She decided to continue with his act, waiting for him to confess.

"Oh, really? Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, just a bit." He sniffles.

'Wow, he must really be committed to this act,' she thought.

"So all you've been doing is laying my bed all week?"

"Yeah, besides like check ups and grocery store runs. Why so interested in my activities?"

"Just curious. Gotta know how my friend's doing."

Everett heard the bitterness laced in her voice, but decided to ignore it. 'Maybe she wasn't feeling well, or maybe it was her time of month' he thought.

"I went to a party,'' she falsely bursts.

"Really? Never really pegged you as that type of person." Everett says nonchalantly.

"Really? So what kind of girl did you peg me as."

"A shy but friendly girl with a bubbly personality. A girl who always wears a smile, even if it's not real. You love cheering people up, even if it means telling weird stories about your grandma's cat or a weird song. That's the girl I pegged you as. But, there's nothing wrong with going to a party."

Amelia smiled at the thought that Everett had remembered all their conversations and how accurate everything he said was. It almost made me want to forgive him for lying to her.

"Well, you're correct. And what type of guy are you, Mr. Willicks?"

"Well, I like movies. Especially James Bond ones." 

Lie. His favorite movie was Pride and Prejudice because he became obsessed with it after his sister showed it to him.

"I like playing the piano and guitar, I like hanging with my little neighbors and grandpa, and I like talking to my friend Amelia."

"That was very smooth, Ev."

"I'm very smooth, Amelia."

There was a pregnant pause. Normally, silence was fine, because they were comfortable with each other. But something had changed. This silence was filled with tension and Everett had no idea why.


a/n: AYEE??? Another update?? I should be studying for my accel bio TEST because I SUCK and I WILL FAIL but here I am finishing another chapter because I give up in life.. YAY!! &&&&it's 10:30pm and i need to get my life together. ok. 

Signing off, 


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