-"You idiots just made the worst mistake of your lives..." I said.

     I also felt something happen to my body, every twitch made a random part of me...freeze? At least, that's what it looked like anyway. I had to use this to my advantage. I started walking towards the men until they eventually fired upon me.


     But it was not the end for me. The bullets crumpled themselves against my skin. The soldiers took notice and got really scared. I approached one of them and grabbed his pistol.

     I left the men there and marched my way through the facility and finally arrived at the top

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

     I left the men there and marched my way through the facility and finally arrived at the top.

-"Informer survives! I expected this, seeing as you've got that whole 'impenetrable skin' thing going on for you." The man said.

-"I want two things from you." I said.

-"And what might those be?" 

-"Firstly, I want the girls freed. Secondly, I want to know who you are!" 

-"Unfortunately, I can only grant one of those things Logan." 

     He reached over to his control panel and pressed a button, releasing the girls. IF and Compa ran to me instantly. Compa was crying from fear and IF was trying to explain what happened but she was speaking too fast for me to be able to understand.

-"Farewell Logan! We will meet again, I promise!" The masked man said.

-"Oh no you don't!" I said, sprinting towards his platform and jumping onto it at the last second. 

     I was quickly losing grip thanks to the platform now being unstable.

-"What are you doing?! Let go you fool!" he yelled.

     I grabbed his leg and pulled, sending him to the floor. The platform had lost all control and was falling rapidly. I didn't care, I was focused on the kidnapper. I was able to get on top of him and punch his head a few times before clutching his mask in my hands.

-"NO!" he yelled.

     I pulled suddenly, detaching the mask from his face easily. I saw a face that I have seen before...one that I thought was dead.

-"Zeke?" I asked.

     I was soon reminded very harshly how close the ground was by the impact sending me into the air. I tumbled down a street and eventually came to a stop. I shook my head and stood up to look around. Then I noticed that I had no physical injuries, sore muscles or cuts. I guess the freezing body thing worked again. I looked at the wreckage of the platform and saw that he was gone.


     I refused to accept it. I refused to believe that the man that had caused this pain, terror and disorder was none other than my best friend! He's dead Logan! In that cryopod where you saw him! He's dead, he's dead, he's dead...he's dead...he's...dead...he's...


     he's alive...I felt my mind lock up, I couldn't do anything. Was he the one behind all of this? The military, the fear and the revolt? Oh shit, the world is probably going to go to another war too...and we'll only have half the military power...and intel...I couldn't handle this. The girls finally arrived.

-"Logan! Are you alright?!" IF asked in panic, seeing my lack of movement.

     I remained silent as my eyes went black.

-"Oh no! No no! Logan! Stay with me! Compa! Help me!" IF yelled.

     The two caught me as I felt the rest of my body go limp. I just couldn't take it...knowing that the world was going into war as blind as the next person. When I wake up...I'll need to be the spearhead offensive.


     Gamindustri is no longer divided into four nations...it's sorted into the two pieces of the world. We have the smaller one, unfortunately. We're getting everything taken away from us. Shares, morale, military power, men, energy...hope. If this really is the end of the world...I just hope I get to see Zeke one last time even though I know he's responsible for all of this. I should've known from when I returned to the polar ice cap base. Why would Vert send out a seek and destroy mission? I was such an idiot. There's more than one thing going wrong at the same time nowadays. Also, Scratch is gone. He's been missing for 5 days now. I should've put a tracker on him. Safe-houses is what the military resorts to now as to not get pummeled by long range mortars or artillery shells. The girls and I currently reside at Lowee's Basilicom. Blanc was nice enough to let us and the army stay here. Every other nation, however, is Zeke's. He's built a army right under our noses without us even realizing it. They're called 'The Unforgiven'. The CPU's have taken the liberty to rename our collective armies as well. We're now 'The Last Resort'. Despite everything that's happened, the two girls have remained optimistic. They were at my safe-house watching a random TV show with me. Compa eventually spoke up.

-"Logan? What happened?" she asked.

-"What do you mean?" I asked.

-"Logan, the platform, before the war. You stopped after taking off the mask, why?" IF asked.

-"Why this question all of a sudden?" I asked.

-"We wanted to ask before but didn't have the chance to." Compa said.

-"*sigh* Fine...he's an old friend of mine...Zeke. I couldn't just kill him." I said.

-"You know the guy that started all this?" IF asked.

-"Yes...I do." I said.

-"When did you meet him?" Compa asked.

-"I'll give you the whole story. Back in boot camp, I was weaker than I am now, smaller, younger. Everyone else put me down because of it. Zeke was the only one there that wanted to actually help me. He was a year younger than I was but despite his age, he knew a lot more than I did. We trained together, ate together and fought together. He was almost like a brother to me. However, once we got into the pilot training, I learned more tricks and tips than he could even catch up with. All thanks to my dad who used to be a veteran pilot like I am now. Funny enough, he was experimenting in subaquatic stuff before he died. The roles of Zeke and I had suddenly swapped. With me being the teacher and him being the learner. So when that day came that we were both sent out to the polar ice cap base...I thought it would've been the best opportunity for me. I was signing up to go and Zeke and I had an argument about me going. Eventually, whether out of hate or his protective nature, he signed up as well. Ever since I "died", I had wondered if I would ever see him again. So if you're looking for the most honest answer possible...it's that I can't do it...I can't kill him." I said.

-"Logan, I had no idea...I'm sorry." IF said, resting her head on my left shoulder.

-"Me too. Don't worry Logan, we'll find a way to get him back." Compa said, resting her own head against my right shoulder.

     Whatever it takes...I'm going to find a way to save him without killing him...


     I have to.

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