Its Not That Funny.

Start from the beginning

"what the hell? Beyblades??? god that really is-"

"Lame? I know"

"yeah! What the hell" he chuckled

"Okay well every kid has a lame obsession, what was yours?" i asked as we pulled up in my houses small driveway

"erm..." he thought aloud

"shit, I think it was either bakugan or pokemon"

"Damn. Spinning tops are better than monster balls. Pokemon isn't that bad" I said simply

I got out and took the key out of my pocket before unlocking the door

"NATALIE IM HOOOOME" i said setting my backpack by the door

"I'll be right back, welcome to my not so humble house" I said flashing a grin, then running into the hallway toward Natalies room.

I passed the bathroom before a hand pulled me back by the hood of my hoodie and into the bathroom.

"Natalie?!" I freaked out

She closed the door and looked at me with a firm hold on my arm, which kinda hurt but I didnt say anything.

She looked at me with eyes of sheer disappointment. I began to shake slightly, she couldn't have figured something out could she? I thought I hid all of my razors...

She let go and let out a sigh, "You have got to tell me when you bring people over okay? Especially a boy! I thought you didn't have any friends!! What the hell?!" she freaked

I let out a silent breath of relief. "Hah, sorry Nat, I don't know if he would call us friends. We just met like, yesterday. And we have a project together already sooo, yeah that's why he's over." I said wiping my nose that had began to run from waiting in the cold.

I got snot on my hoodie, fuck.

Natalie looked down at me, "gross. Look, kid now that we just have us, you gotta grow up a bit too. You can't see him again with snot on your sleeve. And at least try to look decent casual okay?" she nagged

"Jeez, sorry. Totally uncool Natalie, dragging me in here to lecture me" I said loud enough for Dave to probably hear, but for the soul purpose to annoy her.

What else can ya expect from a little sibling??

I hurried to my room and threw my hair into a ponytail, then putting on some leggings and a big sweater. I walked into the living room to find a chilling Dave on the couch.

"Hey" I said, casually but not TOO casual. I sat close to him, but far enough away for it to not be awkward.

"so, do you even know how to do this?" he asked

What the helllllllllll

"Uh yeah, this is review from like middle school dude..." I said mumbling the last part, really hoping I didn't have to do all of this on my own. Honestly, I should've expected him to be an idiot.

"aight cool, then this should be easy" he said clutching the Beats that hung around his neck. He easily solved a good portion of his paper already?! He must've started it during school

Damn. Talk about underestimating the kid, he's practically a genius. Compared to me anyway. I quickly got stuck on the fifth question. (which was different from his paper by the way)

I was NOT going to ask him for help. NOPE, my ego is getting in the way of logic.

I set down my paper beside me, "So, are you hungry?" I asked awkwardly

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