Okay, Serious.

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I took the razor into my hand.

It won't hurt for long, right.

I had to do this. If I didn't, I might go insane. This wasn't a depression, it was an obsession. An addiction.

As the blade glided across my arm, I felt a slight stinging sensation. Just before small pricks of blood would emit from my own veins.

I only said it would be one cut. But it turned into so much more.

I was frustrated.

Anger filled my soul, as tears streamed from my face and into the many bleeding wounds.

I realized there was blood on the bathroom floor.


If my sister saw it, she'd surely be worried.

My arm wouldn't stop bleeding.

I got a bandage and squeezed it on my arm, until each wound would stop bleeding.

After cleaning up the mess, I felt guilty.

A pure hatred for my very existence stung in my bloodshot eyes.

I knew this wasn't any way to treat myself, but malnourishment would just kill me faster, right?

That is what I wanted, right..?

I dreaded how school would start again tomorrow.

The faster I was gone, the faster I could go see the rest of my family.

Guilt pierced my stomach, seeing as I'd be leaving my sister alone.

My social anxiety would murder me.

Every year I made new enemies.

Worse enemies

Enemies that abused me worse than I abused myself.

In my room, I plopped onto my bed, letting out a sigh.

Closing my eyes, I drifted off, in hope that maybe tonight I'd stop breathing.

Maybe tonight, I'd finally be gone

Maybe tonight, I wouldn't wake up.


I woke up anyway.

Actually, I made it all the way to school.

My hair was wild and in my face, I did the best I could to hide my face.

I wore a hoodie and black jeans.

As I walked through the hallway, the fresh cuts stung against the fabric of my hoodie.

I pretended I didn't feel it however.

I looked on my schedule, my first class was chemistry



I made my way to class.

Inside, I found scowls hitting my face already.

Gee, what had I done THIS time?

Of course.

I looked on the board to see a seating chart.

(Not so) Ironically, my name was right beside Dave Strider's.

In the third row back.

I looked down as I made my way to my seat.

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