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•••Time Skip~1 month later•••
Monday, October 17
Brooklyn POV
Everything went back to normal after Vier was arrested. Well, almost. Lucas and Zoe got together, which still angers me. Tatianna and Dillyn are perfectly fine. I heard Madison is talking to Frank, and I hope he doesn't catch a case. McKenzie is talking with Tayshawn, so they'll probably hook up in a week or two, maybe less. Zoe told me that she told Timmy to take a break from Lyric, and she's been a mess. And me? Oh I've been fine. I haven't been focusing on boys, besides the Lucas and Zoe thing, I've been dedicating myself to school. And I'm proud of it too.

Timmy POV
I haven't talked to Lyric since Vier got arrested and she won't leave me alone. The first week, she seemed to appreciate me giving her space. But then I guess after a week she decided that she wanted to talk and work things out. But by then I had learned I needed more time. I guess I got too much time, because I've been talking to this girl, Lyvette. She's nothing compared to Lyric, but I figured having a little side piece wouldn't hurt anything.

 She's nothing compared to Lyric, but I figured having a little side piece wouldn't hurt anything

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Lyric POV
I've been seeing Timmy hang out with that Lyvette girl and avoiding me. She's always been nice to me, and I've always been nice back. But the bitch was taking my man and I wasn't going for it. At first, I respected that he gave me my space, but now he's giving me too much. I'm not just gonna let him move on, he's mine. So I decided to look cute today, just to get his attention.

Everybody's outfits for the day

Everybody's outfits for the day

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