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^Lucas's cousin, Timothy in the MM^
Lucas POV
I picked up Dillyn after I got my bag packed and then I picked up my lil cousin Timothy. I call him Tim or Timmy. He was so excited to come because he got a lil crush on Brooklyn. So I let him come. Anyways we pulled up at 6:30 and before I could put the car in park, Timmy hopped out the car.
"Aye Timmy! Wait!" I yelled while laughing.
"Ole thirsty ass nigga. He really must like Brook huh?" Dillyn said
"I guess." I said while sighing. I knocked on the door and Ki opened up the door looking lowkey sexy. She had on a baby blue crop top and some blue pajama shorts and some mix matched socks. Wait what the hell? That's my best ass friend. Shut up Lucas.
Timothy POV
Brook opened the door and she looked fine as fuck. I'm gonna make her mine.
"Wassup Ki?" I said
"It's Brook to you Timmy. I only let Lucas call me that." She said and walked away. I looked at her ass as she walked and I saw Lucas did too. Yea nigga I peeped you. We walked in and Dillyn closed the door.
"Hey Lukey poo" Brook said while smiling. He smiled back.
"What's popping Ki?" He said and picked her up and hugged her. That's supposed to be me.
"Hey Dill" Brook said smiling her beautiful smile.
"What's good Brookie?" Dill said returning the smile.
"Hey Lucas, can we talk?"I said mad.
"Nigga why?" He said.
"Lucas go talk to Tim Tim. We'll be waiting." She said while walking over to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I felt sparkles in my cheeks. She will be mine.
Lucas POV
"What yo boney ass want?" I said annoyed.
"You know I like Brook. Why are you doing this to me." Timmy said looking he about to cry.
"Nigga! I don't want her. That's my bestfriend. And plus. Bros before hoes. You my lil bro Ight?" I said
"Ight thanks man." He said wiping his tears. This nigga 15 and over here shedding tears over a girl he can't have. Issa shame. We walked back downstairs and we saw Brook and Tati twerking on Dillyn. Hell nah.
"The fuck is y'all doing?" I semi-yelled.
"We just having fun Lukey Poo." Brook said still twerking on my bro.
"Aye aye aye, back up Dill." Timmy said. Then he got behind Brooklyn.
"Ight that's enough." I said getting mad. Why am I getting mad? I don't know. Do I like my bestfriend?
Brooklyn POV
I heard Lucas and Tim talking. And Lucas technically called me a hoe. So I'm a little upset with him.
"Lucas you are not my dad" I said twerking harder on Tim to make Lucas jealous.
"THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE" Tim screamed. Lucas pulled me off of Tim. He looked mad.
"Why you so mad? I'm just a hoe right?" I said getting an attitude.
"What are you talking about?" Lucas said confused.
"I heard you and Tim talking. 'Bros before hoes'. Really am I a hoe to you?"
"No. I was just saying that to make a point and you know that." He said
"Whatever. Come on Tati let's make the popcorn." I said walking away from the boys.
Tati POV
Me and Brook went to the kitchen.
"Brook you my best bitch. But that was wrong." I said the last sentence lowly.
"Wrong? He called me a hoe. So I was acting like one."
"You knew he didn't mean it like that Brook."
"I know. It's just...I don't know." Brook said putting her head down.
"We'll talk about this later girl." I said as I took the popcorn out of the microwave.
Dillyn POV
The girls came back in with the popcorn. Brook put a scary movie in the DVD player, Don't Breathe. Timmy went to turn off the lights. Timmy and Lucas sat on either sides of Brooklyn on the floor. Me and Tati sat on the couch above them. As the previews came on, Brandon came down the stairs and plopped on the other side of Tati.
"What we watching?" He whispered.
"Don't breathe." She whispered back.
I put my arm around Tati and she smiled. I was lowkey feeling ha.
Lucas POV
I put my arm around Brook but she took my arm off and put Tim's arm on hers instead. Now she was just being petty.
"Stop being petty" I whispered in her ear.
"Hoes are always petty. Since thats what I am to you." She whispered back with an attitude.
"That's not what you are to me. You're my bes-"
"Lucas shut up I'm Tryna watch the movie. We can talk about me being your hoe bestfriend later."she said a little loud. I sighed. I couldn't concentrate on the movie because I kept thinking about her thinking that I think she's a hoe. The movie ended about an hour later. I was still up. I looked at my phone and it was 8:09. Dillyn and Tatiana were knocked out on each other. Brandon was drooling on the other side of the couch. Timmy and Brooklyn were the only ones up besides me. Brooklyn was on her phone and Timmy was on his.
"What yall wanna do now?" I asked. No reply from either one.
"Really? You too Timmy? What happened to bros before hoes?" I said not realizing that I basically just called her a hoe. Again. Damn I'm so stupid.
"Wow you're on a roll with calling me a hoe today Luke." Brooklyn said
"I'm sorry Ki." I said feeling guilty.
"Yea yea. I'm going to sleep goodnight Timmy."
"Night..." Timmy said half asleep.
I set up some blankets to make a mini bed and got a pillow off the couch. I tried going to sleep but I couldn't go to sleep knowing that my Ki bear was still mad at me. I went upstairs and I listened in on her through her door. I heard her talking to her mom.
"I know mom but still he called me a hoe." She said like she was crying. Dang I really ain't mean to make her cry.
"He didn't mean it." Her mom said.
"I know but it breaks my heart that my best friend called me that." Dang. I'm feeling super guilty right now. I almost shed a tear. Almost.
"Baby you know he didn't mean it. And even though it breaks your heart he still loves you and you love him too. You guys have been best friends since birth. He's never called you that ever. You know it was a mistake. Just go talk to him. He'll apologize. And if he doesn't, he's just not your true best friend. But I know Lucas. He'll apologize and everything will be ok. Now I have to go, your father is waiting for me."
"Ew mom!" Brook said sounding better. "I'll call you later."
"Ok bye sweetheart." She hung up. As I was about to walk in her room, she came out. Her eyes were red from crying.
"Lucas..." she said looking up at me. She's 5'4 I'm 5'11
<A/N he's probably not that tall but w.e. Back to the story>
"Look Brooklyn I'm really sorry I didn't mean to call you a hoe I was just using a term I don't really think you're a hoe you're my bestfriend I love you so much I'd never call you anything other than what you are to me and you are not a hoe ok and I-" she cut me off by kissing me.
"When you're nervous you ramble a lot." She said smiling up at me. I just stood there looking shocked that my best friend just kissed me.
"Goodnight Lukey Poo"she said and closed her door slowly.
"Night...." I said still in shock that she made the first move before me. Damn. I waked downstairs and saw that it was 9:27. I closed my eyes and went to sleep on my mini bed.
Sunday, August 21
Brooklyn POV
I woke up to the smell of pancakes and sausage. And surprisingly, no eggs. I hate eggs. They make me throw up. I checked the time on my phone, 9:30 A.M.
<A/N true story, I was 8 and I was sick and I tried eggs for the first time and I threw them up. I've been throwing up eggs ever since.>
Anyways, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, basic stuff. I walked downstairs and I saw Dillyn and Tati still sleeping together. I walked in the kitchen and saw Tim and Lucas cooking.
"Damn." Lucas screamed.
"Shh! You're gonna wake her up. And what?" Tim said
"I dropped a piece of sausage." Lucas said
"Not that big of a deal, she won't notice." Tim said. Lucas shrugged and put it back on the plate they made for me. Disgraceful. They turned around and I ran up the stairs pretending to be sleep. They came in and splashed me with water. I jumped up. I was not expecting that.
"Omg what is wrong with you two?! First you give me dirty sausage, and now you splash me with water? Ugh!" I screamed. Lucas started laughing and Tim looked scared.
"How'd you know we-" he got cut off by Lucas kicking him.
"I was awake. Now give me my breakfast and get the fuck out." I said annoyed.
"I told you we shouldn't have done that" Tim said as they walked out.
Tati POV
I woke up in Dillyn's arms as I watched him sleep for a couple minutes. After a while I got bored so I got up and woke him up.
"Dillyn get up!" I screamed. He jumped up.
"What Tati?" He said looking alert.
"Nothing. I'm just bored." I smiled. He rolled his eyes. He got up and stretched. He took his bag and went into the basement. Probably to take a shower and stuff. So I was gonna do that too. I went into Brook's parents bathroom and showered. After I showered I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put on lotion and then put on my white tank top. Then on top of that I put black, white and grey PINK jacket. I put some black jeans on and put on my black, white, and grey Jordan 12's. I put on a pair of glasses that I found in Brook's parents room. I put my hair in a bow bun. I put my red bandana on too. I put my studs in and I took a picture in the mirror cause I looked fye.

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