ikadea inn | part 2

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I'm alliivvveee barley so yeah school sucks I can't feel my arm because of a HPV Jab so this is going to be shitty also to much homework.

Luna's POV

I ran with my wolf ears high listening for any sounds soon enough I heard the sounds of war and the Smell of blood.

I ran into the building to see dead people OK the floor some shins engine a lot the other side I ran and killed people with my daggers.

I looked around to see heskuie getting beaten up by that red head dude beating him up.

"Hey!" I yelled jumping and my feet landed on his stomacy making him fall back a bit.

I stood in front of heskiue and got into my fighting stance.

"What the-- you foolish child uh wolf child,"
He said looking very confused.

"Your the ones that's foolish," I reply ticking him off
"theres two things I hate one seeing an  empty cookie jar and seeing NY friends get hurt and were all out of cookies sooo DIIIEEEE ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) ,"

I ran in to slash him with my daggers and since he was shocked I took this as my moment to strike.

"Hey heskuie come on," I say grabbing his hand and ran out of there soon enough he was outside I ran ignoring his cries and went upstairs.

I had a couple of bruises already but then I saw Okita fighting a a blonde haired dude and harada fighting some one that was to familiar .

I ignored t it and kept on killing the guys around them.

But why was Kyo here it makes no sense whatsoever.

KYOS pov

I kept on fighting with Sanouske until I felt a fa familiar presence no way lulu~chan is actually her I abandon the battle to hug her she's alive she was like a little sister to me.

"Kyo- San I missile you so much," she says with tears falling down her face.

" its OK I'm here now...," I reply but unfortunately were not he middle of a bate.

"Luna what are you doing here Alps you GT of her," harada says I etched and let go off her and turned around.

How dare he we were having a moment the battle ensued and soon we had to leave.

I walked up to lulu San and patted her she was bruised up with blood and scratched and she looks like she was going to faint.

"Stay safe kiddo,"

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