chapter 2 - meeting them

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Lunas POV
I found myself in a dark room but due to my excellent eyesight I was able to see through the blind fold to see my self tied up.

I swiftly got out my claws and cut the rope with a swift motion but the question still stays where am I?

I hear the door open and a man comes in.
"Oh I wasn't expecting you to be out of you're ropes but oh well cone on child we must go now,"he.says giving me a kind smile.

I gladly return that smile and continue to follow him until we where led to a room.

He opened the door and I stepped in.

"Where are her ropes,"a man asked
The other man said "she some how got them of,"
"Okay you can leave now ," he said.
He then started this whole rant about last night.
"What do you have to say for you're self,"he says sternly
"Hey cut the kid some slack a red head said to the man that was talking to me .

"I killed 2 people because they where robbing me ,"I say bluntly.
"Do you understand the penalty of killing,"he says to me angrily
"But the hunters that killed my tribe didn't have any charges against them ."I reply.
Everyone looks shocked.

"while we fix this issue you'll be staying with us,"a man said with spiky hair.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay so um Heisuke,"says a dude with brown hair in a ponytail.
"Harada is the name ,"says another man.
"I'm souji, "says another one.
"I'm hijikata, "says another one
"I'm saito ,"says the red head
"I'm kondou the leader of the shinsemguni and that sannan, "says spike hair man .
"Okay I got it hesuka,harada,soulji,humakata,sasuke,konduo and sun sun, "I say
There was a minute of silence before laughing erupted.
?I was very confused was it something I said......

"On kid what's you're name," says the woman next to me witch was chizuru
"My names luna,"

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