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Lunas POV

I sigh while sitting down at least they let me eat with them now....


I pokey head out of the door and look around yay ok no one around so I. Ma sneak around I'm a child I'm supposed to be free.

(I shout it out like a bird set free
No just me ok )

I opened on of the doors to reveal a longed haired man working on something?

"Child why are you here?"he asks sodtley to me.

"Well I've been kept in that room so I decided to explore since that small room is quiet boring well very  boring ,"I reply while sitting down.

"What's that?"I ask while cocking my head to the side confused at what he was doing on the paper.


***One lesson of leading reading and writing ***
"Thank you sanna- sensie ,"I say to h while waving with book sin my arms.

"Where could she have gone ?"I heard hijikata ask with frustration in his voice.

"Hi oreo  ~ San hi hijikata ~ kun  ," I say while walking by them to put my books in my room.

"Where where you ?"hijikata asks
"Yeah also stop calling me Oreo !!"Okita says annoyed
"Sannana -sensie was teaching me how to write read and do math,"
I say to them with a huge grin ony face.

"What sannan ~ San and a soft side for kids wow.

"It seems so come now dinner is ready ,"hijikata says


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