Blood in the Dirt

Start from the beginning

Solaria rolled her eyes, "I will..."

She did not. Rather, she snuck out without her mother knowing that a bowl of drying wheat remained.

Truly wasteful.


Solaria carried the crate as quickly as she could, making the crates tremble and clatter. On the edge of scattering onto the dirt road. Surely it would look like blood. And that thought made Solaria shiver.

Not even a few steps later, she crossed the road to this stone hut with a wooden sign.

Ye Old Apothecary.

Creative title, I know.

Entering the building, the scent of spice and bread filled Solaria's senses. The small store had shelves lined up with vials of potions and bundles of herbs. Some vials were glowing, others had chunks of newts and skeleton fingers floating among them, some were marked with crossbones, and those were behind the oaken counter.

And there was Selene. A pretty thing, plump with red fiery curls hidden behind a white cover, similar to a puritan. With a black dress with white aprons and the like.

Solaria smirked and placed the crate on the counter, "Hello."

Selene didn't look pleased, "Hello Solaria...passion potion?"

Solaria nodded, "Yes, just as Mr. Yates requested."

Selene counted the vials in whispers before pulling out a large dusty book, far bigger than any spell book, "A hundred vials...that totals to seventy nine gold pieces." she swept the exact amount up and onto the counter. Solaria scooped them up and put them in a small cloth pouch hidden in her cloak pocket.

"Thank you..." Solaria learned on the counter, "Last night was surely wild, yes? I can barely remember what happened last night."

"That's when you get when you drink..." Selene muttered.

"So...I was thinking...after you get off of work, why don't we head to the flower fields? I know you love the Maypops in the moonlight."

Selene didn't bite, "I'm busy."

Solaria shrugged, "Thankfully, we have all month..."

"I'm busy all this month..." Selene cut in.

It was only then Solaria realized Selene was disinterested.

"Was last night...not satisfying to you?"

"I never said that."

"Then why do you not favor me. Do you not favor maidens?"

"No, I really don't."

"Then did we..." terror filled Solaria's heart, "Did I not receive your consent?"

Selene's eyes widened, "What? No, you had my consent Solaria! Even in ale's embrace, you have a sense of kindness."

"Then, what is the issue?"

Selene picked up the crate and went to the many shelves of red potions of various shades, to pink to maroon, and began to stock in silence.

The realization hit Solaria like a stone, "You were just...experimenting?"

Selene froze for a moment, looking guilty at last instead of disinterested.

"I mean, it is all right that you are...but you should know...I have had affections towards you since my youth..."

Selene winced, "I had no idea...Solaria, I am truly sorry...I have just been really confused lately and I decided to try it and...I prefer men."

Solaria could hear her own heart break like a crumbling stone, "I...I see..."

"I am truly sorry Solaria...if it helps, you helped me figure out these things...and I am forever thankful. And I would be happy if we remain friends."

Solaria wanted to shout at her, but love remained. Though painful, she knew better than to argue, though she wanted to,

"Yeah...friends..." Solaria forced a smile, "Maybe we can hang out tonight though? As friends?"

Selene frowned, "I'm actually very busy, maybe tomorrow?"

Another stab at Solaria's wounded heart, but for the moment, she had to be the bigger witch.

"Sounds lovely."

Selene giggled, "See you then."

Solaria made her way to the exit, giving one final pained smile, "Until we meet again."

With the door closed and a few paces away from the hut, Solaria's hands burned with a golden fire as rage and pain fell before her. It became too much as Solaria let out a small cry of rage as she tossed a huge fire ball at a small cart that was empty and possibly abandoned.

Many people among the streets stared in horror as Solaria threw the fire ball. Causing Solaria's face to burn red.

"What are you all looking at?"

All at once everyone resumed to their day, leaving Solaria well alone.


Solaria let out a sigh of relief as she approached her door. She placed the hand on the knob, just hoping to hide herself away for the rest of the night. Hell, she would rather study with her stick in the mud sister in the garden. Okay, maybe she wouldn't submit herself to that torture.

Suddenly, her feet felt wet, as if she were standing in a puddle. Peering down, it was not a water puddle or mud.

It was red, black until smeared on the dirt to try and remove it.


Solaria nearly squealed as her stomach began to turn. Her mind began to whirl. Perhaps Stellaria spilled some of that passion potion, or perhaps Solaria was the culprit. Yes, that had to be it. But Solaria couldn't recall dropping a vial. Nor were there any shards of glass.

Her heart sped up as her hands began to tremble as she turned the brass knob. Her palms sweated as she mind spilled over with the thought of blood.

Opening the door, Solaria's eyes were tainted.

Blood trailed like a tiny stream on the floor to the doorway. The cauldron was blood red. not from any potion. Blood seemed to start there.

And there was her mother, bent over the pot.

Solaria meekly approached her mother, her body numb and her vocal chords nearly stifled. She placed a hand on her head and brushed the hair from her eyes.

Stellaria's face was pale, growing cold. Her eyes were glassy and yet cloudy. There was no breath to be had. Her neck was dripping red, leaking unto the floor and onto her child's feet.

Solaria screamed.

Her voice echoed through the village, rousing crows from their fields.

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