Blood in the Dirt

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Solaria still remained nestled in bed, as the morning transcended into a lovely autumn noon, still snoring away as if nothing were to bother her. And the warm sunlight filtering through the window warmed her blankets, making her toasty on this crisp autumn day.

It wasn't until a cool breeze grazed her cheek that she did wake. And the moment her eyes opened did she remember the date.

"H-Hollow's Eve...? Oh! It's the start of the harvest!" She rose quickly, stripping away her rugged potato sack of a gown for her cloak, stained with ale from the night before.

Her head pounded from the hangover left in her brain. Fuzzy memories returned of her mates, William Kaper and Mark Weathers tearing the town up; downing the ale of William's father, surely the finest the in Farthing.

As she brushed through her feathery rugged blonde hair, she recalled what little memory she had of the night before.

Dancing in the wheat fields.

Throwing fireballs at oak trees.

Trying to tip Farmer Jones' cow, only to find herself tipped over in manure.

The taste of Selene Tire's lips.

The pain in Solaria's head grew as she recalled the tempting flesh and hot passion that transcended in those fields. It made her heart grow warm at the memory.

In fact, she would visit the lovely Selene today. Yes, that would be right. But first, to cure her hangover would do the trick. She pulled out her own book, of which was tattered and filthy unlike her sisters as she flipped through the pages for the only spell she knew besides fireball.

"Comfort me, aches and pains, leave me..."

A rush of energy surged through Solaria, prompting her to dash out of her room.


Stellaria was still busy at work with the potion, now bottling it in round cork bottles to be stored for the day of Hollow's Eve.

"You're up late."

Solaria had no time, she dashed to the hearth and pulled out the last specks of cream wheat from the pot.

"Sorry mum...I was tired."

"I'm sure you were, you were drunker than ever last night. I had to put you to bed."

Solaria seemed worried, "Oh...I'm sorry mum..."

"It's fine, eat breakfast before you go."

"Who says I'm going anywhere?"

"Really poppet? I know full well you're going to visit Selene. I am not thick in the head."

Solaria's cheeks burned like the fire within her, "You aren't mad? I thought we were harvesting today."

"We will at the witching hour, as is our tradition..." Stellaria mumbled, "You have all day to frolic as you please. But, I do need you to run one errand for me today..." she placed a crate of vials of a blood red liquid on the table, "I need you to take this passion potion to Mr. Yates, shouldn't take you more than a few moments."

This caused Solaria to groan, "Yes mum..." she grabbed the crate, and found the object rather light, as passion tends to make others feel.

Stellaria glanced back at her daughter for a moment before returning her focus to her bre, "Clean your bowl please..."

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