House Mates: Eight

Start from the beginning

     His accusing tone had Ryan standing up, snapping, “Because it would open a can of worms we’re not ready to deal with. I managed to convince my dad to drop it for now and Elena extended the same courtesy to Sagan. We ‘hated’ each other before the whole ordeal and it would be strange if we were suddenly cuddling on the couch or displaying that we liked each other.”

     One by one, the guys shrugged then vaulted down the stairs.


For guys, they were relatively accepting of homosexuality, mostly because out of the six of us, two were gay and one was a bisexual. Most of the guys grew up dealing with sh*t that most shouldn’t for their age so they felt they had no right to judge anyone. I turned to Sagan and watched as he gaped like a fish for a few seconds before saying, “I came out of the closet my freshman year, and known that I’ve liked men for longer, however I have never been reprimanded for keeping one of my relationships secret. Certainly not from a mix of gay and straight macho fighters,” his face twisted in shock.

     I couldn’t help it, I laughed. Talk about a blunt observation. Sagan excelled that.

     “Let’s just say that each guy has his own story, and it wasn’t always pretty. I think Knox has the worst though. But he straightened out real quick after he had a run in with our group.”

     Sagan stared down the stairs and asked almost absentmindedly, “What happened?”

     “At the time, it was me, Xavier, Ash and Nyall, we hadn’t met Josh yet. Knox decided he would have a go at Ash, just because of his size, ya know? Well, let’s just say that after Ash flattened him, he wanted to know where he had learned how to fight. Ash, being the man of many words that he is, just pointed to me and said, ‘Him, he’s one of the best fighters around here that I know of,’ and left it at that. Of course, Knox just had to challenge me so I invited him to a Fight Night. The rest is history after that, he wanted in but he had to clean up his act to do so.”

      Sagan looked over, shook his head then said, “I’m gonna go see how my mom’s handling the guys.”

     His head disappeared as I murmured, “If she can handle my dad, she’s probably handling all of them like a pro.”


The kitchen was in chaos. Elena was only 5’5” so she was completely engulfed by the male bodies crowding into the sizable kitchen. I noticed she had managed to bring in a few bags of groceries before the guys were jumping to do her bidding. Two of them were carrying in bags while two more exited the house. Xavier just stood back and watched the entire thing with amusement. When he saw me by the archway, his face broke into a broad grin.

     Harley came in at that point, looking around at the bustle and broke out into a grin much like Xavier’s.

     “Damn, if I’d known bringing a woman into the house would get these guys to do something, I might have brought you over soon Elena.” Elena’s laugh sounded through the house, I could almost see the moment the guys fell in love with my mother. It was kind of strange. If they were truly going to be over here as often as Ryan said, I’d have to get used to sharing my mother.

     A novel concept, as it’d been just us for years.

     I began unloading the bags, while a few of the guys brought the last of the bags in. Elena and Harley stood back as Nyall, Ash, Josh, and even Knox began putting things away. Eventually, I went to stand next to Xavier, who was still looking over the scene with amusement. Within minutes, there was almost nothing left on the kitchen island except for soap and miscellaneous things that belonged in other parts of the house.

     Elena stepped forward, “Why, thank you boys. My name is Elena, Sagan’s mother.”

     Much like earlier with me, Nyall stepped forward, “Nyall Frederickson, ma’am,” and shook hands with her.

     Josh and Knox went next. Ash stepped forward, and Elena seemed to look straight up at him. “Bowyn Erickson, miss.”

     “You’re a tall one aren’t you? Elena Hill, Sagan’s mother. Wonderful to meet you Bowyn.” Ash treated her with a small smile.

     Elena looked around, “All of you guys are quite tall. You boys are gonna make me feel like a midget if you stay for dinner.”

     The guys laughed and suddenly, Elena was asking questions of each of the guys. Surprisingly, Knox was very polite and never once sounded sarcastic. I turned at the sound of footsteps on the stairs, watching as Ryan turned from the stairs into the kitchen.

     “Ryan, glad you could join this party, you missed it. The guys actually helped put things away instead of just standing there like the moochers they are.” Harley laughed when Ryan did a dramatic facial expression.

     “Who’s ready for dinner?”

      Elena had said the magic words it seemed. I watched as seven pairs of male eyes turned to my mother and a sudden cacophony of “Yes, please,” and “what are you making?”

     She hustled about. She was in her element. She loved cooking, the more the happier she was. I had a feeling she was going to fit in real quick with Ryan’s friends.

      I was still standing next to Xavier, who chose that moment to speak quietly to me, “Since we’ve met Harley, we’ve all looked up to him as a father figure. He wasn’t one to hold back his opinion and if he felt you needed to be straightened out, he didn’t hold it back to appease our sensibilities. This place is like a home away for home for most of us. We wouldn’t let Harley pick the wrong woman. Looks like he found the prefect woman for himself though and the guys seem to all have given him their stamp of approval. And the fact that everyone’s already in love with your mother means she now got five more guys she can treat as her sons.”

     He moved off to talk with the guys. I was left with my thoughts.

     If they had fallen in love with my mother that fast, what did that mean to our relationship? It would change? Afraid to contemplate that idea, I went to join my mother in preparation of dinner, chicken enchilada casserole as the guys heckled us and each other good naturedly.


Do you guys think Sagan has a reason to worry? and huh, I might be able to do a spin off story of each of the guys. Tell me what you think of that idea?!

So comment, vote, fan my lovely readers. :)

Until next time.

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