Chapter Twenty-One - Part One

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In a sudden “ah-ha!” moment, I realized with clarity that there had been a little bit of my own truth in that piece of knowledge that I shared with Addy. But for some reason, I just wasn’t able to seek out my advice.

“But Addy, do you remember what was it that you told me at that party? You said, ‘if you don’t do it know’–”

“Then he might leave you always wondering.” she finished, pleased that I remembered. “You know what? You are so right. Whether Collin and I are moving too fast or not, right now, I’m happy and he is too. And besides, isn’t meeting the parents, like, the unofficial way of saying ‘we’re official’?”

“Guess you’ll find out tonight,” I said, with a light-hearted chuckle. “But you’re still going to Claudia’s after dinner, right? Because I really want her and Tidus to meet you. I don’t wanna feel the need to shelter you guys from each other anymore.”

“I’ll be there, cross my heart.” Addy replied dutifully. “That’s what best friends are for, right?”

“Right,” I said, feeling warm and grateful for the fact that I had at least one person in Harbor that I could be one hundred percent honest with. “But unfortunately, you’ll never know exactly how much I love you for that because you’d just end up letting it go to your head.”

“You know it, behtch.” Addy replied in her usual cheerful scorn. “See you tonight though, after dinner. And I’ll be sure to send Collin your disregards…”

“Ha-ha, very funny. Tell him I said hello.”

We hung up and just as I was setting the phone down, I heard the deep, distant tone of the doorbell’s ringing. I got up from the bed and made my way from the room, closing the door behind me before heading down the stairs. But Mrs. Trentley was quicker. She was already in the foyer and opening the front door before I was even half-way down the staircase.

“Can I help you?” I could hear her saying.

“Um, hi, I’m here to pick up Naomi?” A timid, sweet voice was saying. And even though I couldn’t see him yet from this angle, I knew exactly who he was.

“Thanks, Mrs. T,” I said, taking her position at the door as she walked away, and looking into the eyes of my date. “Hi.”

Ethan gave me a tentative smile, looking cute for all his shyness.

“Aww, you brought me another corsage,” I said, touched, as I held out my hand. This one was large, pink, and round, and smelling like fresh earth.

“It’s just a carnation,” Ethan said, but smiled as he slipped the flower onto my wrist. “It means something about expressing gratitude. Anyway, I know it doesn’t exactly match your dress very well, but I really don’t think anyone will notice…”

I could understand why Ethan was so dazzled by the dress. After all, that’s why I’d brought it home from the store in the first place. It was in my usual black (the exact color Johl Romaine had requested), and made of a shiny, soft material that sparkled dimly. Complimenting my curves with its tightness, it was also long sleeved, and cut off at the shoulders to reveal just enough skin to remain classy. And with the hem lying several inches above the knees, it also happened to show off just enough leg to give the impression that I was taller than I appeared. Well that, coupled with the four inch heels from Jimi Choo to lend a hand.

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