Car Crash Pt.1

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It was a casual November day in New York.The place cold with light snow scattered around the roads.The Christmas lights illuminating the already gorgeous streets of New York City and the busy roads as people rush in and out to buy gifts for their loved ones.As for me,it wasnt like that,I didnt have time to go window shopping like everyone,I had to get to my office and collect the last of my photoshoot pictures before going back to my lovely hotel and snuggle with my fiancee,Shawn.As I awaited the traffic in my car with my driver,I couldnt help but drool over my gorgeous engagement ring that I still couldnt believe was mines.It is funny how 2years flied by so quickly.Now here I am spending my last Christmas as a single woman before we wed in the middle of next year.

Now here I am spending my last Christmas as a single woman before we wed in the middle of next year

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"Ms.Y/L/N,it seems like the traffic is clearing up.We should be there in 15minutes." My driver,Jason said.I smiled warmly at the man who I look at as my next father,"Thank you Jason.I will message Shawn so he is up to date and doesnt bother you." We both laughed.We waited at the red light as I pulled out my phone to call Shawn."Hey hun,you almost there?" Shawn hummed as the light changed green but before I could respond,a car broke the red light on the side of us and lost control spinning straight into our car before we made impact with a lampost,causing me to scream and everything from there was a blur.I felt a sharp pain on my leg and a pounding in my head,my entire body aching and I could move.My vision a complete blur as my eyes shut.All I could recognise were the sounds,Shawn screaming on the line,Jason's groans,an ambulance and voices as my door was opened,my body pulled out and darkness swallowed me.

"Y/N!Y/N!" Never in my life has my heart stop just from a sound.A quick,short sound.The sound of my future wife screaming before a loud crash was heard.The moment it hit me,I panicked.I grabbed my phone and keys and ran down into the car park to get in my rented car.The tears which i couldnt hold back gushed down my cheeks as I sped out the hotel to find my future.While on my way I couldnt help think about the worst.That she was gone.She couldnt.She was a fighter,never giving up.I didnt know where they were but I knew where they were going.After 10minutes of driving I found my biggest nightmare.Jason's car smashed and disoriented so bad,you had think it was junk.An ambulance was at the scene still and I jumped out my car and squeezed through everyone to find her.I couldnt help notice the blood that came out from the car.It was dangerously a lot.I looked into the ambulance to find Jason,barely breathing.He sees me and his face immediately drops along with my heart.

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