Stressful Days

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Shawn has been busy lately due to album release and tour that was coming up so therefore we are hardly seeing each other.I was doing my own thing but I would still like to have my boyfriend.Its been 1 week without seeing Shawn.All I got was a 'Hey.I'm really busy.Talk to you later.Love you' text.However I shouldnt complain because he did invite me for lunch today.I threw on an off the shoulder top with my skinny blue jeans and wore a pair of heels to match it.My hair was in a messy bun and I decided on neutral makeup.I didnt fancy wearing my contacts today so I placed my big glasses on.I locked my door and headed out to my car and drove down the streets of my beautiful home L.A.I pulled up at the restaurant and immediately got swarmed by papparazzi.I groaned as I sat in my car that was under attacked.I was already 15minutes late from traffic and now a crowd of people.I messaged Shawn and after a while I saw some guards coming towards my car.I got up and quickly made my way in the celebrity infested restaurant.I walked over to the table with Shawn and amiled and placed a kiss on his cheek but recieved no response.I sat down opposite what looked to be pissed Shawn."Hey babe sorry I was late.The traffic here is crazy." I said trying to make conversation."You always have some excuse dont you?" Shawn said bluntly watching me.I was taken aback."Excuse me?"
"What?Its true.You never have time for me.You are always busy doing your own thing and I try to take you out for lunch and you arrive late.Am I that much of an inconvience?"
"Shawn why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?I am sick of it Y/N.You dont bloody love me anymore do you?Are you cheating on me?" Shawn spat with venom.His eyes cold.What the hell was happening.I felt hurt ad water filled the brim of my eyes but I tried to hold back due to us in public.I pulled myself together and looked at Shawn."You want to know why I am not around?It is because you are so damn busy Shawn.You are always doing this or that for your music which is fine by me but you completely blocked me out.I never saw you once this week.I am busy too yes but I try to make time with you but you are always busy so dont blame this on me AND the out audacity you have to accuse me of cheating?What the hell us your problem?I dont know what it is but dont ever and I mean ever accuse me of something and blame it all on me and I am sorry that you grew up in Canada but here in L.A. traffic is a pain in the ass like you at the moment.So you know what take all the bloody time you need to fir your music.Go on tour and enjoy yourself but I will be back here happily." I stood up and walked away straight out if the restaurant and was about to walk out the lobby until Shawn pulled my hand and yanked me against his chest and placed a kiss on my lips."I love you so much Y/N that I would be a mess without you and I took you forgranted so thank you for telling me that I may lose you because it made me realise how bad of a boyfriend I have been.I am just busy and stressed lately and I am sorry just dint let me go and I am sorry of daying you cheated on me." Shawn said.His eyes softened and his hand on my cheeks as he looked me in the eye."I am sorry too Shawn.I just snapped and of course I wont let you go.Just promise me we will find time for each other?"
"Of course babe.Now lets go eat." Shawn smiled kissing me before we walked back to our table.

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