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I sat on the couch eating a banana trying to forget the pain and well when your in a house by yourself there isnt a lot that can distract you.My periods were here and it was worst than ever. After I ate my banana I went to my room and rested my head on my soft pillow and placed one on my belly so I could hug it.Since I had nothing to do I pulled out my phone and went through social media.'Is Y/N and Shawn Mendes still togther?'
'Actress Y/N and Singer Shawn Mendes spotted out on a date.'
'Y/N's New Movie is said to be the next big hit of the summer?' I eventually got sick of seeing the stupid articles and decided to watch a movie.So I went downstairs to make some popcorn.I am not going to lie I am grateful for the fans and all but I hated to read articles about Shawn and I.While I awaited the popcorn I decided to call my parents who were at their home."Hey hun,how are you?" My mom's lovely voice asked."Hey mom.I am great.How about you and dad?"
"We are good.Whats up?How is Shawn?"
"Nothing much.My cramps are killing me so I am just going to watch a movie and relax.Shawn is actually at the studio today so I am chilling."
"Aww well take care of yourself hun.Whenever you see Shawn be sure to tell him hi and we need to plan another dinner."
"Yeah I will.Okay mom I got to go I will pass by either tomorrow or the day after.Love you guys take care."
"Love you hun bye." I got my popcorn and placed it on a tray with a pack of MnM and a bag of gummy bears with a juice and water along side some pills and head to my little private theatre room.I walked in and found the movie and set up all the equipment.One thing I love about my house is that it had a cinema in it.It could could about 20people max but it was awesome.I was an hour into the movie and cramps when my phone rang.I quickly paused the movie and answered it."Hello!"
"Hey babe!How are you?" Shawn's happy voice echoed."Good I guess.What about you?"
"I am good but you dont sound good.Whats up?"Shawn's voice laced with concern."Its just my periods.You know how it goes with pain and pills but I am coping."
"Aww babe.You want me to take you to lunch?"
"I had like that but I dont feel in the mood for paps,cameras and crowds.Not today."
"Okay I understand well how about I bring lunch to you?"
"Shawn arent you in the studio today?"
"Yeah I am well was cause I am coming over to you!"
"But Shawn-"
"We could reschedule any time plus a member was missing so it wasnt any progress if I am honest.See you in a bit babe."
"Whatever.See you in a few muffin boy." After about 45minutes I heard a knock at the door.I walked to it to find Shawn standing there with two huge bags.He was wearing a floral shirt and some skinny jeans looking good as ever.In that moment the pain was fading cause I was filled with happiness.I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him."Well hello to you too," Shawn laughed."Hi," I smiled.Shawn walked in and I closed the door and followed."I see you feeling better."
"Yeah I took pain killers so I am okay but you just made it 100%better."
"Well I am glad.Okay so I brought a mini pizza,alfredo pasta,fries,chicken strips and then for dessert I got ice cream,gummies,chips,chocolate and cake."
"Wow thats a lot for two of us." I smiled looking into the bags."Well its lunchtime and I figures I had stay for dinner.I didnt want you cooking today." Shawn stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I pulled out the fries and began munching on it making Shawn laugh."Oh God why the hell am I so lucky to have a boyfriend as amazing and talented like you?" Shawn laughed."Why am I so lucky to have an amazingly talented and gorgeous girlfriend like you?" Shawn and I took some food and went back into the home cinema and watched some movies.Yeah there were cramps but Shawn took care of that.Every time he saw me shift and realised I was in pain he would lift up my shirt and rest his big warm hands on my tummy and rub it gently until it stopped.How was I so lucky to have him?

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