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Shawn and I were currently in New Zealand on a well deserved vacation.Shawn finished his tour last month and I finished filming my new movie 3weeks ago so we decided to come to New Zealand for 2weeks and go somewhere else to explore.Shawn and I had been dating for 3years,4years as of next month and I couldnt be any more happy and even though Shawn is older than me by 4years he makes me feel like there is no difference.I was 19 living the dream with my 23year old boyfriend.Our parents both argreed to come visit us here for 1 week which gave me and Shawn a week for ourselves.Not that we had use it for anything really.Shawn and I were traditionally people so we never had sex nor lived together so our parents wouldnt mind if we shared the same hotel room.
"Did I ever tell you how good you look when you are eating." Shawn laughed sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around me.We were currently in our hotel room watching a movie."Yeah just about a billion times." I stated.
"Well its true so what do you want to do today?Its only 11am."
"I dont know.What are some choices?"
"Dinner,dinner or dinner?I feel to lazy to go anywhere else."
"Same," I agreed.
"Well dinner it is."I snuggled into Shawn's embrace and continued to watch the movie.When the movie was done Shawn got up and went to get his phone to book our tables at whatever restaurant he choosed.I thought he tookquite some time on the phone.Usually to book a table wouldnt take 10minutes.He eventually came back onto the couch with some strawberries in a plate."Well we are booked at Mudbrick Vineyard and Restaurant at 7pm."
"Sounds good so we leave around 6?"
"Actually there is somewhere I want to show you and its a drive so I had say get ready at 5.Is that okay?"
"Yeah sure.Where are we going?"
"Thats a surprise hun." Shawn said kissing me gently on my lips.We were quickly disrupted by Shawn's phone ringing.Shawn who was clearly annoyed got up and walked out the room and answered.Usually Shawn would take his calls infront of me but lately he has been a little more secretive or probably I was over reacting.Shawn thought I got annoyed by it probably.Shawn walked out with his jacket."Everthing okay babe?"
"Yeah.Yeah.I have to go do an errand real quick hun.I am sorry but I will be back and ready at 5.You need anything?"
"A kiss.Could you get me that?"
"I could definitely give that to you." Shawn leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before saying I love you and walking out.I didnt mind Shawn leaving.We were on vacation so he can do what he wanted.It was now 2 o'clock so I decided to call my parents but neither if them picked up so I messaged Aaliyah but her phone seemed to be off.I guess I could go on my social media.I went on Instagram and liked and commented on some pictures and saw what was happening.Nothing new.Same headlines,'Shawn and Y/N on vacation in New Zealand.'
'Is Y/N Pregnant?'
'Y/N'S New Movie breaks box office.' I then went on Twitter and tweeted at some fans and answered some questions.After all that I decided to go on Netflix and watch a new episode of The Originals.By the time I did all of this it was around 3:45 so I decided to get ready.After I showered I thought of wearing something casual yet elegant so I pulled together me look:

I was actually impressed by myself and decided to take a few pictures when I heard the door opened

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I was actually impressed by myself and decided to take a few pictures when I heard the door opened."Hey babe I am back let me get dress real quick." Shawn said kissing my forehead and running straight into the bathroom getting ready.It was only 4:40.He still had 20minutes and he inly takes 5minutes to get ready.My phone began to ring and I saw my mom on caller id so I lef the room and went out to the balcony and talked to her for a while.When I hung up I noticed it was 4:55 so Shawn was porbably inside waiting.My mom said my dad and her went to my uncle's and thats why they didnt pick up since they were in a plane.I walked into our room and found Shawn with roses and a smile in his face."You look amazing hun.These are for you." Shawn gave me a kiss and the roses.Shawn was 6"2 and I was 5"9 and the 5inch heels gave me a boost to 6"2 as well so we were even."Well hello to you too prince charming.Thanks for the roses but what is with the suit?" I asked eyeing him from head to toe.

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