Into The Ghost Zone

Start from the beginning

Wulf nodded and turned to the teens and two League members, "Mi ĝojas renkonti vin." (Nice to meet you.)

Artemis looked frustrated, "We can't understand you, what are you saying?"

Phantom rubbed Wulf's head and Wulf smiled, "He said nice to meet you."

Wulf looked at Phantom, "Ni devas foriri nun." (We must leave now.)

Phantom hummed, "Anyway we have to go, see ya!" Wulf created a portal, Johnny, Kitty, and Ember walked through it first, Wulf walked through it while Phantom was still on his shoulder and Cujo walked beside them. Once they were inside the ghost zone the portal closed and Phantom smiled, he had missed the ghost zone.

The first place they went was Pariah Dark's castle, or Phantom's Keep as it was now called. Wulf took Phantom off of his shoulder and set Phantom on the ground before they walked up to the castle. The castle looked different since it was now his lair and it had changed to fit it's new owner.

The castle was a light gray and the land around it was covered in grass and healthy looking trees. The trunks of the trees were still black but they were covered with green leaves that were glowing faintly due to the ectoplasm in them. The inside of the castle was decorated with green and blue a well as red in a few rooms.

It looked a lot nicer then when Pariah had been king, it was actually pleasant and Phantom felt at home in the castle. Phantom opened the doors and walked inside, man he really missed this place, it was good to be back. It wasn't long before Phantom heard familiar footsteps walking toward where he was.

Then a rather irritated looking Fright Knight walked into the room and he didn't even look at anyone in the room. "I have told you before not to come into the castle unless..." Fright Knight trailed off when he spotted Phantom, his eyes widened in disbelief as well as hope. "Phantom?"

Phantom smiled, "Hey Fright Knight!"

Fright Knight wasn't quite sure what to do, Phantom was finally back after over a year! Fright Knight ended up smiling, "You're alive!"

Phantom nodded before his smile disappeared, "What happened while I was gone?"

Fright Knight looked a bit solemn now, "When you first disappeared we sent search parties to look for you. We've been sending them out whenever we could but we couldn't find you and many of the ghosts started causing trouble. After a while all sense of order started to fall apart no matter what anyone did, it's been difficult."

Phantom nodded sadly, if only he had been here to help, he could have done something to help. "Well now that I'm back I can help, we can gather some of the more powerful ghosts and work together to restore order."

Fright Knight smiled, "That will have to wait, because these are trying times and we need a leader we've been trying to figure out what to do. Now that you're back we can finally end all of this madness and ease everyone's minds."

Phantom nodded, he knew what Fright Knight was talking about, they were planning on crowning Phantom king. "Then I guess we should get started."

Fright Knight nodded, Johnny, Kitty, and Ember were asked to get Frostbite, Dorathea, Pandora, and Clockwork. They all left and that left Phantom, Fright Knight, Cujo, and Wulf in the castle, Fright Knight looked like he was deep in thought. When the four ghosts showed up and saw Phantom they all smiled and hugged him, even Clockwork.

It wasn't long before they started discussing the plans for Phantom's coronation and after several long hours they were done. Dorathea, Dora for short, was going to make his outfit with help from Pandora, while the others got everything else setup. Most of what Phantom did was stand still so Dora could take his measurements and give them a few suggestions.

After an hour of coming up with designs and scrapping most of them they finally settled on a design. Dora and Pandora started making the outfit and Phantom walked around the castle. He helped when he could but he just sort of drifted around and tried to find something to do.

The fact that he was going to be crowned king was starting to sink in, he was excited and a bit nervous. He spent the night in the ghost zone and by the next day everything was set up. The other ghosts in the ghost zone had been told that he was back and now everyone was waiting for him to be crowned.

Dora found him in the morning after he ate breakfast, he hadn't actually eaten much, she wanted to make sure his new clothes fit right. After Phantom put them on she made some adjustments and asked him if he like them. Phantom smiled at her, "They're awesome Dora, Thanks!"

She smiled at him and Phantom took them off, he didn't want to risk messing them up. After doing a final walk through with Fright Knight and killing time for a while it was finally time. Phantom put his new clothes on and he took several deep breaths to calm his nerves.

This was it, after the ceremony he would officially be king of the ghost zone.


Just so you guys know, I used google translate for the Esperanto. I hope you guys like the chapter and let me know what you guys think so far, see you later!

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