Chapter 14: Reindeer Games

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A week later we had all recovered, but I still spent most of the days alone in my room, afraid of hurting my friends. I rarely left my room and separated myself from everyone- even Loki.

Today I sat on my bed, staring out the window at the sky when someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see Tony.


"Hi Sara."

I must've looked at him surprised because he said, "Loki told us." afterwards.


"Anyways, we're decorating for Christmas, wanna help?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Come on Ghost Girl, pretty please?" He begged me.

"Fine." I sighed, giving in.

We walked into he living room and I noticed the rest of the Avengers already there. I sat down next to Loki.

"How's your side?" I asked him, concerned.

"Good as new."


"I'm a god." He reminded me.



"Hey Ghostie, get up here and hang some tinsel, will ya?" Tony called from up the ladder. He climbed down and I took his place. I reached out for the loose end just as Natasha walked by and bumped into the ladder. It shook and I lost my balance.

I fell and braved myself for a painful landing. It never came. I opened my eyes. Loki had caught me. I blushed and thanked him. He set me back down on the floor.

"No problem, love." He whispered.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry De- Sara!" Natasha exclaimed. She rushed over to examine me.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine mum."

Natasha rolled her eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"Glad to have you back." She whispered. I nodded my head and smiled looking around.

"Glad to be back."

A ringing noise came from the other room.

"Oh! The cookies!" Wanda exclaimed as she raced to the kitchen. I followed her to the kitchen to see Vision there. I stopped in the doorway. Wanda pulled the cookie tray from the oven. Vision walked over and whispered something to her causing her to giggle. He kissed her on the cheek. I hid behind the wall, not wanting to ruin their moment. I went back to find Natasha. Before I could say anything, she nodded to let me know she already knew. How long had that been going on?

"Okay folks, time for the treeeeeeeeeee!" Tony sang. I looked up at the giant tree he had purchased for the holiday. And I sighed. I grabbed a blue ornament and hung it on the tree. Tony found a reindeer one and proceeded to show it to Loki, who wasn't amused. I, however was, and giggled. Loki turned to look at me and I hid behind the tree.

"Come on Reindeer Games, hang up your ornament!" Tony poured like a four year old.

"Fine!" Loki gave in and snatched the reindeer from him and looked for a spot to hang it.

"How about up there?" I asked, pointing to a spot that I, being the shortie I was, couldn't reach.

"Sure." He said and hung it. I smiled and handed him another one. He frowned at it before looking at my hopeful eyes and sighing. Loki proceeded to decorate the tree with the rest of us. When we were done, most of us heading into the kitchen for hot chocolate. I stayed behind and sat on the couch, admiring our handiwork.

"Tired?" A voice asked.


"You haven't been sleeping." He guessed. I turned away from him. Loki sat down next to me.

"No." I sighed, "I'm just... just so...scared."

I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I understand." He replies and looked up at the star on the top of the tree.

"Happy Christmas Sara." He whispered.

"Happy Christmas Loki."

"Hey guys do you want some- woah!"

We drew apart to see Tony standing in the room wearing a Santa hat and staring at us. I blushed in the darkness.

"I don't know what to say right now." He said.

I threw a pillow at him. He dodged it.

"Ghostie!" He exclaimed. Loki teleported in front of him.

"Don't tell a soul." He threatened. Tony nodded, smiling like a kid at Christmas. On second thought, he pretty much was a kid at Christmas. Tony left the room and Loki sat down next to me. He went to kiss me, but I pushed him away.

"I just need a little more time."

He nodded.

"Hey Sara, do you want hot chocolate?" Wanda called from the kitchen.

"Sure." I called back and left the living room. Secretly I was glad to have an excuse to leave.

"We were thinking of going Christmas shopping tomorrow," Natasha began, "And we were wondering if you would like to tag along?"

"Okay! Sounds fun!" I faked being happy. I went back to my room and shut the door. I looked down at my hands. They were shaking. The darkness danced between my fingertips. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I let it go and I destroyed my room. The mirror was smashed and I was showered in broken glass. I cried out.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered. I sat on my bed and hugged my knees. Somebody knocked at the door.

"Go away!" I yelled. They didn't. Loki opened up the door and looked around the room in amazement.

"Stay back." I warned him.

"I might hurt you."

"Sara, you would never hurt me."


He maneuvered around the broken glass and sat down next to me. He stroked my hair.

"I love you Sara."

I rested my head in his lap. And without another word, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Loki was gone. I sighed and stretched. I had a dreamless sleep which was unusual for me.

I got up and got dressed. I brushed my hair into a side ponytail and looked at the shattered mirror. I sighed and picked up the broken pieces carefully. I scooped them into the trash can and walked out of my room.

"Sara!" I turned around just in time to get pulled into a hug by Wanda.

"Hey Wandie." I joked. She rolled her eyes at the name but continued.

"Do you want to be my shopping partner?"


We walked into the kitchen and ate toast together.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Some already left, but most are sleeping."


"Soooooooo... what's with you and Loki?"

"Lo- what?!"

"I saw him coming out of your room last night." Wanda leaned on the counter.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship."

"Well, you better tell him that because he sure is."

"How would you know?"

"I've seen the way he looks at you."

I looked back at my cereal.

"Come on Ghostie, let's go a shoppin!"

I groaned.

"First Tony, now you?"

She smiled at me evilly.

"Come on, this will be fun."

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