Chapter 12: The Chapter In Which I die

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We walked side by side to the jet, letting go of hands as soon as we saw the other Avengers. I boarded the jet and sat down next to Wanda. She looked up at me and I grinned like a fool at her.

"What?" She asked me.


"Are you sure?"


"If Nat didn't have to fly the jet-"

"Wandie, just relax. Everything is okay."

And I did my best not to look at Loki the whole trip. When we got to out destination, Steve ran over the plan.

"Nat, Clint and I will take the left. Wanda, Vision and Death will take the right, Tony, Thor and Loki will go straight, and Bruce will patrol the boarders. Understood?"

We mumbled out agreement with the plan. We climbed out of the jet and I followed Vision and Wanda through a door and down a dark hallway.

"Nothing here." Natasha's voice came in over the com.

"No sign of life." Thor added.

"Us either." Wanda said. I sensed something.

"Wait... they are here."

"Death, there's no one here."

"No, I can sense it, they are trying to surround us!"

"Spit up!" Vision declared and went down one hallway. I headed down another.


I turned back around.

"Be careful, okay?"

I smirked.


And ran down the hall. I sensed more life forms ahead but kept on going. I had to lead them away from Wanda and Vision. I turned a corner to see several soldiers.

"Death." They greeted me. I fired my gun. Someone tackled me from behind. The gun slid out of my hand. Hands grabbed me and pulled me down the hallway. Someone ripped the com from my ear. I was in big trouble now. One of the men took a syringe out of his pocket and walked over to me.

"No!" I screamed and he smiled evilly.

"Hail HYDRA."

And everything went black...

When I opened my eyes, I was strapped to a chair in a blinding bright white room. I heard voices around me that all seemed to stop the instant they realized I was awake. A man entered the room with plastic gloves on his hand. Jones. The same man that used to experiment on me.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"What no warm welcome?"

I gave him my best glare.

"Well my darling Death, I want you. We need a solider to lead us into battle. Do our dirty work."

"Never!" I spat.

"Oh darling," he laughed, "You thought you had a choice?!"

He walked over to me and stroked my cheek. I struggled against my bonds to get away from him with no avail. Jones chuckled and reached for a syringe.

"W-what are you going to do to me?"

"I, am going to make you kill each and every one of the Avengers."


"Oh, yes."

And he injected me with the serum. My body withered in pain. I screamed until I lost my voice and passed out from the pain. Somewhere far off I heard a voice whisper.

"When I'm done with you, you won't even remember who you are."

This process lasted weeks. Or, at least it felt like weeks. I began to loose hope that the Avengers would ever come and rescue me. Slowly I began to loose memories of my past. Small things like my birthday or my favorite color, but it still scared me. I felt like I was slowly being driven into madness. Everyday it seemed like they had a new way to torture me. Knives, bullets, water- all used as tools to hurt me. Of course I didn't die. They couldn't kill me if they tried, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.

On the fourth week I blacked out... and I never woke up.

A Girl Named DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang