Chapter 13: Back from the Dead

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"Rose. Green. Library. Jet. Stone. Heart. Death."

I woke up.


"Ready to comply." I replied automatically.

"Your mission: destroy the Avengers."

The bonds on my hands and feet were released. I stood up and was handed a gun. I loaded it and was ushered onto a jet. We took off and landed in a park. People screamed and ran away from me. I walked towards the group of people I was assigned to kill.

A man in red white and blue. A man with a bow and arrow. A machine man. A man with a stone on his forehead. Two men in capes- one green, one red. A woman dressed in black. A woman dressed in red and purple. I raised my gun.

"Death?" One of the woman asked. I fired my gun at her. She raised her hands and blocked the shot with a red light. I took a bomb from my pocket and tossed it at them. They scattered like leaves in the wind. I felt someone grab me from the back.

"Stop, Sara, this isn't you!" I turned to face them. It was the man in green.

"Who the hell is Sara?"

I shot him. He staggered back and looked at me, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Sara." He breathed. I fired again. I sensed someone behind me. I turned just in time to see a hammer thrown my way. It knocked me back into a tree. I groaned and sat up. The red haired woman stole my gun. I threw another bomb at her and one at the man in the red cape. Rocks flew everywhere.

The woman's leg was bleeding, and the man in green lay on the ground, but my other targets were still in perfect shape. I reached for my dagger and snuck up behind the other woman. She turned around.

"Forgive me." She whispered and my vision went black. Images flashed through my head. For the first time I felt something. Pain.

I saw a young boy dead in a pile of rubble. An old man soaked in blood. I saw myself running to protect the woman. I saw myself kissing the man in green. I felt pain. So, so much pain. I screamed and felt a dark force erupt from my body.

My vision cleared and I saw the woman and everyone else close to me thrown back. The man with the arrows fired one at me. It lodged itself in my side and I pulled it out and threw it back at him. Not a scrape on me.

Suddenly a large green monster appeared and roared. I screamed back at it and it cowered back. I was floating in the air, dark energy surrounding me. It attacked anyone who got too close.

Red, white, and blue threw a shield at me. I caught it and used it to block the bullets the red haired woman fired at me. Darkness swirled around as I landed on the ground next to the injured man.

"Sara." He whispered.

"I'M NOT SARA!" I screamed. I turned around to see the rest of my attackers and felt something heavy hit my head. A rock. I turned around. The man in green thew it. Suddenly I remembered his name.


I looked around me at the destruction.

"Wh-what happened?"

I noticed he was shot. Did I do that? Everything was confusing. So many memories pushed their way into my head at once, leaving nothing but pain.

"Listen Sara," Loki started, "We can help you."

I fell to my knees and rocked back and forth holding my head.


"SHUT UP!" I yelled. Pain came in waves. I felt like I was going to explode.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" I pleaded and begged with Loki. He staggered over to me.

"Sara. Know who you are. Who you truly are."

Memories of laughter and dresses and kisses filled my head. My laughter. It was too much. Memories of me crying my heart out flooded in.

"Make it stop." I whispered. I screamed up at the sky as the rest of the dark force I had been trying to keep inside erupted from me. And everything went black.

Memory of me picking roses with the other children in the orphanage. I pricked my finger. Blood.

Memory of him.

Memory of the books I lost myself in.

Memory of dancing in my seat on a jet.

Memory of the rock I carved names into.

Memory of what it felt like to me alive.

Memory of pain. Darkness. Life. Me.

I gasped for breath and opened my eyes.

"She lives!" A voice says and I see a man next to me. Tony.


He smiles and goes to take off the bonds that tied me to the bed.

"Don't." I tell him. He looks at me confused.


"Don't call me that!"


"Where's Loki?"

"Well, you sorta shot him twice..."

"I did?!" I panicked and strained against the bonds.

"Let me."

"NO." He went flying across the room.

"No, I didn't mean to! Help! HELP! SOMEBODY! HELP!"

Bruce came rushing into the room and helped pick up the dazed Tony. They briskly left the room and I cried. Once again the scientists have ruined my life. I can't control what resides inside me. Tears streamed down my face and there was nobody there to dry them.

"Hey love." A soft voice whispered.


He limped painfully up to the bed and took my hand. I looked at his bandaged side.

"I really did shoot you."

"Twice." He smirked, but I looked away.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried. I felt him tug at the straps.

"No!" I panicked again.

"I might hurt somebody. I might hurt you. I'm a monster."

He undid the last strap and I curled up into a ball. He laid down on the bed next to me and held me in his arms.

"You, Sara, are no monster."

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