41: Harry

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I saw something come out of Dracos wand when he cast the spell, but it was moving so fast I couldn't see, and he only held it for a couple of seconds.

"You nearly had it there. Do you want to try again?" I looked over at my boyfriend, who was pouting. "What is it?"

"Didn't you see what animal it was?" He asked me.

"No. It was moving to fast."

"Oh." He stopped pouting.

"Why what was it?" He just smiled and didn't answer me. "What was it?"

"Nothing. I'm bored let's finish our revision."

"But that's even more boring." I paused. "Was it a ferret?" He froze. "It was wasn't it?"

"Don't you dare laugh." His pale skin was tiring bright red.

"I'm not laughing." I said as I stifled a giggle. "What did you think of?"

"First day at Hogwarts." He shrugged. "When I met Pansy and Blaise."

"Oh. Okay. You can try again, I promise I won't laugh. Try thinking of something else, maybe the memory wasn't strong enough?" He nodded and scolded his eyes, then smiled softly, a Draco smile, not his Malfoy smirk.

"Expecto Pantronum." The Ferret shot out of his wand and bounded around the room, it then began to change form, it grew and twisted into a larger animal. A doe. "I'm not complaining, but is that supposed to happen." He asked me, I sat down.

"What did you think of?" I asked him, my voice cracking a little.

"Um.. you." He blushed. I walked over to him and kissed him. "What was that for?"

"I just love you." He smiled and kissed me back.

"Why did it change though." I swallowed, then coughed.

"Well Patronus' usually change form when the person has a change of character, or have experienced something big in their lives, or they fall in love and it changes to match that person." I looked him in the eyes as they grew brighter, the silver sparkling.

"So wait, yours is a stag and mine is a doe? I am not the girl in the relationship thank you very much." He huffed and sat down on my lap again.

"Yeah okay, whatever you say Mr I-Need-Five-Hours-To-Get-Ready." I said.

"I just like to be presentable, and I don't gel my hair anymore." He ran his hand through it as if to prove a point, it fell in front of his face and I tucked it behind his ear. He chuckled and we linked eyes, he gave me a peck on my cheek, but I turned my face, and pulled him closer, until we were full on making out.

He leapt off me and pulled me with him upstairs to our dorm. As soon as we got in he locked the door and slammed me against it, crashing his lips on to mine. I dropped my wand and grabbed his neck, kissing back just as passionately.

"Are we doing this?" His lips moved to my neck as I was pinned to the door.

"Only if you want to. Do you want to?" He asked into my collar bone.

"Yes of course."

"Are you sure."

"Yes I'm sure. Are you?"

"Yes." He carried on biting his way across my neck, my nerves tingling.

"Have you done this before?" I asked him.

"No. Have you?"


"There's a first for everything." He chuckled and pulled me away from the door onto his bed. He straddled me and I grabbed his neck pulling him down, our lips connected once more, our tongues dancing in the sparks that flew between us.

He pulled off my top, and carried on kissing me as I tried to unbutton his shirt. I hate buttons.

"Oh fucking hell." I muttered, and Draco just whipped his hands always from me and quickly undid the buttons quickly, throwing his shirt behind me and attacking my face once more.

He starts to undo my jeans and whispered into my mouth, which sent shivers into my trousers. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." The zip came undone and he pulled them down to reveal my black boxers, he kissed me down my neck again, as I kicked my jeans off my feet, my hands making my way to his trousers, thankfully not struggling with the single button on it.

We were both in our underwear, my breathe hot against Draco's mouth, we weren't even naked yet and the feel of him on me was exhilarating.

He stuck hands down the back of my boxers, pulling them down as he grabbed my arse, I grabbed his waist, then lifted myself off of the bed as he pulled them down too. His eyes were locked onto mine, and soon enough his boxers where gone too.

"Merlin you're so fucking beautiful." He whispered to me, sending erotic waves through my whole body.

"Scars and all?"

"Scars and all. You okay with this? You can say no and I'll stop." I was so turned on right now by the way he kept on asking me.

"Yes, don't stop." He leaned forward and grabbed something out of the table beside his bed. He he sat up and then positioned himself on top of me.

And in that moment we were connected, more than I'd been with anyone before. He'd seen me at my most vulnerable moment, and for once didn't judge me. All those years of bullying and torment and sneers, on both parts, drifted away as we moaned in pleasure.

Every now and then we would link eyes and I'd tell him I love him, and he'd tell me he loved me, and it was perfect, because it was just us, together, in that one moment, and a million moments after.

What felt like a lifetime later, we both lay panting in Draco's bed, smiles plastered on out faces, both a little sore, but happy.

"I love you." He told me again.

"I love you too." I repeated.

"Don't leave me."


End of Chapter 41

The End

There we go, that's it, that's the end. I thank everyone who's been reading from my first upload to this very chapter. I've come so far from that chapter and I love you all.

Thank you to the friends I've made whilst writing this, and to all my silent readers, though you never spoke up, YOU STILL READ IT AND THATS AMAZING.

I hope you liked it, and well thanks for reading. Goodbye my fellow drarry fangals guys and non binary pals.

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