16: Harry

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If you get triggered by sensitive subjects, I'm just warning you. X


Just because I felt safe with Draco, it didn't make the nightmares go away. I also made sure I had my photo album by the bed. I didn't want a repeat of that night.

I was in Privet Drive, standing outside. I went to walk to the door, what else would I do? I walked inside.

The house was empty, there was no furniture yet I could still hear my Aunt and Uncle in the kitchen.

I opened the door and there they were, my Uncle with a sneer on his face, my Aunts lips thinned together.

"Oy Freak! What are you doing here? We don't want you, we never did. You became a burden as soon as we found you on our doorstep. It was your fault your parents died." Vernon shouted at me.

"My sister is dead because of you. Yet you're just like her, a freak. You and your disgusting kind, freaks! Even your friends can't accept you!" My Aunt screeched.

Dudley walked up from behind me, he was a lot bigger than me. He grabbed my collar and shouted in my face.

"Why would you have any friends. You're a freak and a faggot, everyone is dead because of you. Why aren't you dead? Selfish queer!" He pushed me to the floor. And started to kick me as I blacked out, and woke up.

I managed not to wake up Draco as I pattered over to where my album lay. I picked it up and went into the bathroom locking the door.

I leant against the wall and concentrated on my breathing, flipping through the book. But tonight it didn't do any good and just made me feel worse.

I couldn't stand it anymore, I felt like I was drowning I just needed an escape. A break from everything and everyone. I want to be in control for once in my life, this is one thing I can control.

I stood up to the sink and fumbled through my bag finding the small tin case. I clicked it open staring at the small, yet dangerous, blades inside.

Shaking, I picked one of them out, rolling my sleeve up. My arm was laced with old scars as I created new ones on top of them. I sat in the shower, my head groggy. My eyes stinging.

I cleaned my arm and put a clean bandage over it. I ignored the pain as I struggled with the dressing. I returned the tin and cleared up the bathroom walking back into the room.

I went to my school bag and got my wand and my cigarettes. I slowly slipped out of our room, Draco still sleeping peacefully in his bed. I envied him for that as my restless mind pulled my face into a scowl.

I made my way to the Astronomy tower, climbing the spiral stairs and sighing as I reached the top.

I lit my cigarette and sat in my usual place, my legs hanging over the edge, my back against the railings.

I wasn't instantly calmed and there was still the craving pain in my stomach that made me feel like complete and utter shit. But it made me forget about my life for a bit. It stopped my anxiety taking over my body and me becoming a shaking mess on the floor.

I'd finished my cigarette and mentally cursed myself for not bringing more.

I let the cool breeze kiss my face and ruffle my untameable hair. I relaxed a bit, casting a Tempus, it was 3:07. I'd better get back soon. So I stood up and climbed over the railings, nearly slipping.

I sighed as I closed the door to the tower, remembering the end of 6th year.

When I'd made it to my room Draco was still asleep, thank Merlin. I eased onto the bed as he snuggled into my arms. I stroked his hair, it looked nice when it didn't have any gel in it.

How could I have gotten so lucky? I didn't deserve him, he was too beautiful for me.

How much can a person sigh before they combust? I slunk down into the bed still admiring Draco, kissing his forehead, and falling asleep.

When my eyelids fluttered open the next morning they met the perfect silver of Draco's.

"Morning." He said, a smile creeping up on him.

"Morning." I groaned, remembering the shit I would have to face today.

"It'll be okay. Alright? I'll be with you." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug, my head resting under his chin.

"Thanks." I unattached myself from him and went to have a shower, removing the dressing from my arm and letting the warm water sooth it. I dried quickly and got a clean bandage, putting on a hoodie to cover it up.

"You take so long in the shower." Draco joked storming passed me. I hadn't even got my books together when he surfaced from the bathroom wearing nothing apart from some tight and extremely flattering jeans.

He had a very nicely defined six-pack, which I couldn't help but stare at. My eyes moved up and I mirrored his smirk and he pulled on a green jumper, much to my annoyance.

"We have Potions first, with Slughorn, then Transfiguration with a new teacher Professor Zelanzy? I think." Draco informed me whilst getting his own books ready.

"What he like?" I asked, seeing as I'd been off and hadn't seen him. By 'been off' meant a mixture of time in the infirmary and skipping classes.

"He's alright, there's something about him though, it's probably nothing." I nodded.

We held hands as we walked down into the common room, I was about to let go but Draco squeezed my hand, I remembered that everyone had already seen our 'show' the day before.

I swallowed, pushing down the the fear that had crept into my throat. Would everyone react like Ron did?

To my surprise no one even batted an eyelid, Draco glared at Ron as I stared at the floor.

We made our way to the Great Hall as he said goodbye and I sat down for breakfast. I walked over to a confused Hermione. She was wondering why Ron wasn't with me.

End of Chapter 16

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