24: Harry

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"This class is extremely boring." Draco said to me. I smirked at him as something landed on my book. It was a piece of parchment. I looked at the teacher quickly and opened it.

Are you okay?
What's going on?
- H. G

I'd completely zoned out and forgot that Hermione had no idea what was happening. With me and Ron. With me and Draco. Let alone with me.

I can't tell you right now.
Talk after class.
- Harry

I enchanted the paper to silently fly over the desks to Hermiones a few seats in front. She turned around and smiled, scribbling something else on the paper. It floated back a few seconds later.

You know you can tell me anything, right?
I won't judge you.

I sent back my reply.

I know, I'll tell you everything after class.

The paper floated over the desks once more but was intercepted by Professor Vector. She glared at me and snatched the parchment out of the sky. Opening it and reading it. I thanked Godric that I hadn't written anything too revealing.

"As much as your efforts to talk 'after class' you are interrupting my lesson. Now I don't know who this note was directed to but I'm sure you aren't going to tell me so you will just have to have detention for them." Vector spat.

"But Professor Harry is-"

"I'm quite aware of Mr Potters situation Mr Malfoy, and I dare say it will do him good to relax a bit and do some work after class." She crunched the paper up in her hand, releasing her palm to reveal the paper had vanished. "Back to work."

Hermione turned around again and gave me a sympathetic smile. It's okay. I mouthed at her. The class finished quickly and Vector told me to come back at lunch for my detention.

We had a free period and Draco said he wanted to meet me in the library, as I had to go back to our room to get my books. I was on my way there when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Harry can we talk now?" It was Hermione. I nodded and we went out into a little courtyard, sitting down next to a tree. "What's going on with you? You've completely ignored me this past week. And Ron. Did I do something wrong? And your always with Malfoy." I sighed.

"I told Ron I was gay, well actually Ginny told him."

"What? How dare she. I'll give her a piece of my mind."

"No Hermione she's not worth it. Anyway she found out because she caught me, well, kissing Draco." Hermiones face dropped in pure shock, there was no disgust, thankfully, just disbelief.

"You and Malfoy? But I thought you hated each other?"

"We did. But now we don't. And we're kind of together now. I really like him Hermione, I just don't want to hurt him." I sighed again and leant back onto the tree, almost lying down.

"How would you hurt him?" She quizzed.

"I..I.. nothing...never mind its nothing, forget I said anything."I muttered, my body going rigid.

"Harry James Potter if there's something your not telling me. You know I'll find out so just spill."

I looked at her, her big brown eyes filled with hope and happiness, I didn't want to ruin that. She was my best friend, she's been my best friend for 8 years. I can't tell her, she'll get all motherly and brave and try to find the person who's trying to kill me. I don't want her getting hurt as well.

"Harry? Is it bad? Is it something big?" She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Hermione I just can't tell you, okay?"

"Then tell me why you fainted the other day, tell me why you get to leave classes, tell me why you have nosebleeds all the time. Tell me, please." I just stared at the ground it was killing me. Should I tell her?

"You're not dying are you?"

You're  not dying are you?

Her words rang in my ears, she really was the cleverest witch of our age. I turned to face her again, tears stinging my eyes. It was only now that I realised I was scared. Scared of dying, possibly. Hermione leaned into me and we both just lay there, looking at the clouds.

"Someone poisoned me, we don't know who or how but that I've only had two doses."

"What potion?"

"Intus Moriendi." Hermione gasped.

"One more dose and you could-"

"I know."

"Some people can live past that but it's very rare, four doses is enough to kill anyone, but for some in can kill them in three."

"I know. I'm scared Hermione." She hugged me harder.

"Do you know who it is?" I shook my head.

"No but Mcgonagall is bringing Aurors in to find out who."

"Lets talk about something else. So you and Draco? When did that happen?"

"The day I was let out of the infirmary. I was in the Astronomy Tower, thinking about everything and he came in and we just talked. I mean we'd talk before and we're civil. But we were laughing and joking and then I just fell asleep. I had a nightmare and woke up."

"Harry why didn't you tell me you still had nightmares?"

"I always have nightmares. It's fine really. Anyway then I ran out and I was in a state and he was comforting me."

"Malfoy? Comforting?" She giggled, and smirked at me.

"Yes and then we just kissed. And it was amazing. And then Ginny had to ruin it. I think I love him." I smiled drunkenly.

"Then tell him. Show him. Have you guys done the do yet?" She smirked.

"No. Not yet." I giggled. "Shit I'm supposed to be meeting him in the library. I'll see you later Hermione. Thanks for listening, I'm sorry I avoided you I just didn't know what to say." She nodded standing up with me and pulling me into a hug.

"It's fine. And if you need anything, anything at all. I'm here. I'll talk to Ron for you, and if he doesn't come round then I won't talk to him either."

"Thanks Hermione." I sped off in the direction of the library, trying to be as quiet as possible, to not aggravate Madam Pince. I skimmed the library and found Draco.

He wasn't studying though.

He was kissing someone.

Someone who wasn't me.

And it hurt.

End of Chapter 24

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