3: Draco

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When I woke up this morning I thought the train ride would've been unbearable, or at least boring. But I never thought that I could have a civil conversation with Potter.

I hadn't even realised it was him when I'd helped him with his trunk, I just saw him struggling and wanted to help. When he'd turned around it was so hard to read his emotions.

He had dark circles under his eyes and was quite pale. After we sat down I was a bit bored so I started to draw, I drew Potter lying down but then he shifted so I drew him looking out of the window.

When he asked to see it I panicked, I didn't want him to get offended or anything, I tried to act like I didn't care.

And that was that. He looked back out of the window and I carried on drawing, it turned out pretty good.

"Do you want it?" I asked, though I secretly wanted to keep it, it was one of my best ones yet.

"If you don't mind." He smiled and took it from my hands, admiring it, I hoped. "It's really good, you have a lot of talent."

He stood up and carefully slipped it into his trunk. As he did so his top pulled up revealing, the start of his stomach. I started to sweat. He sat down, his shirt falling back into place.

He looked out of the window again, his eyes clouding over once more.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

"Just peachy Malfoy." The contempt in his voice was almost amusing. Almost.

"Okay I was only asking." I said defensively wondering how this turned bitter so quickly.

"Look I'm sorry alright, I'm just a bit on edge. So much has happened and now I'm going back. I haven't been in the right state of mind lately." He sighed, there was so much pain in his eyes, he really did look like he was about to cry.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing never mind, it's nothing." He turned to face me and smiled. I know a fake smile when I see one. "I'm fine"

"Thanks, for speaking at my Mothers trial, she'd probably be in Askaban if it wasn't for you."

"Don't worry about it, its the least I could do" He rested his head on the window and closed his eyes, smiling. I smiled back and started to read my book. We sat in silence for the rest of the train ride.

When we pulled up to Hogwarts, Potter jerked awake, he'd been sleeping with his head rested against the window.

He looked around in confusion and then realised where he was. I grabbed my trunk as he grabbed his, I said goodbye but I don't think he heard me as we stepped onto the platform.

He went to greet his friends, walking past I overheard them saying the couldn't find his compartment and had gone to sit with Neville and Luna.

I walked passed confidently, pulling my trunk behind me and getting onto one of the carriages, a painful reminder of all the death caused by Voldemort. Nearly everyone could see the thestrials.

It was a bit of a surprise when Potters little gang climbed onto the carriage I was in. I nodded as they sat down but that was it.

Weasel was about to say something and I heard Granger telling him to shut up. Smiling, I shifted in my seat to look at the Castle that had been repaired over the summer.

We pulled into the front gates and climbed out, our luggage had already been taken to our rooms, I wondered where they would be. We walked into the Great Hall, everyone staring as us 'eighth years' didn't have to wear uniform. I had some black jeans and a plain green jersey. I'd stopped putting product in my hair after the war, I just didn't see the point anymore.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Pansy. She was wearing some jeans and a jumper as well. She smiled at me as I sat down, Blaise was next to her, Astoria Greengrass was a few seats away. We were the only ones in Slytherin who had returned to finish our education.

"You guys okay?" I asked my friends. They had forgiven me for joining Voldemort, they knew that I didn't have a choice, my father was a ruthless man. It's just taking everyone else a lot longer to see that.

"Yeah we're great actually, we've got something to tell you." Pansy nearly fell off the bench, it was kind of obvious what she wanted to say.

"You guys are going out?"

"What? No! Ew" Really? Those two were inseparable.

"What then?" I asked getting impatient.

"Well I've already told Blaise but, I'm gay." She went a bit red so I reassured her with a smile.

"That's great, now I don't need to worry about you coming after me." I joked.

"That was one time okay? Anyway it's Blasie's turn now. Blaise?" Blaise was looking at the plates as if he couldn't wait any longer for the food to come.

"Blaise?" I said, he snapped out of his food-trance and looked up.

"What? Oh yeah. Um it's not for definite but I wanna be an Auror when I leave. What are your thoughts?"

"Thats great, as long as you like it, I guess, why would I care?" I shrugged.

Blaise was about to retort when Mcgonagall finished the Sorting Ceremony and cleared her throat.

She started to drone on about the dangers of the forbidden forest as I zoned out and looked over to the Gryffindor table.

Potter was looking down at his plate, but not in the same way Blaise was, I saw a single tear fall onto the table. My heart was breaking. Hi head slowly looked up. I didn't look away, our eyes locked his green eyes glistened in the candle light.

I wanted to walk up to him and ask him if he was okay, he'd probably just say he was fine again, he looked so broken, I gave him a weak smile as he blinked his tears away, slowly smiling back at me and turning his gaze to Mcgonagall.

Coming back to Hogwarts must be really hard for him. I looked at him once more before concentrating on Mcgonagall again.

Why did I care so much about Potter?

End of Chapter 3

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