5: Draco

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I woke up to the sound of screaming, I slowly sat up and looked around, Potter was going through his trunk like a madman, panting hard.

I got up from my bed as he sat on the floor, his head between his legs, struggling to breath.

"Harry?" I asked, wait I just said his first name. I coughed as he sat against the wall.

"Potter you okay?" I corrected myself. He obviously wasn't but I didn't know what else to say.

"I... I'm... fine... just.. a nightmare." He said between each heavy breath.

"What were you looking for?" I stared at his open trunk, everything chucked on the floor.

"My.. book... it calms..me down." I walked over to his trunk and looked at the mess on the floor, I couldn't see this 'book' he was on about.

"Maybe you didn't pack it?" Potter was shaking his head now, he looked like he was about to pass out. I sat next to him, rubbing his back as he started to cry.

"What was it about? The dream." He swallowed his tears.

"Everyone." I knew what he meant, he didn't have to explain, but he tried. "It's all my fault." He leaned into me as I put my arm around him. Was I hugging him? I don't know.

"What do you mean" His breathing slowed as he pulled away from me, he stood up, his t-shirt soaked in sweat. As he stood up I saw his arm had bandages on it.

"Potter what happened to your arm?" He looked at me shocked before heading straight for the bathroom, locking the door. I could hear his breathing even though I was sat on by the window.

I walked over to the door, knocking I heard him turn on the shower, even with the sound of the shower I could hear his sobs. My heart was breaking, literally, he'd been through so much and had no one there for me, yet still tried to act as if everything was okay.

I remembered back to the train, how tired he looked, but smiling. I tried to force the door open.

"Potter open the door. I need to make sure you're okay." The door didn't open so I went and got my wand.

"Alohamora." The door clicked open, there was a bandage on the floor, lines of blood streaked across it. I stepped inside walking towards the shower.

Harry was fully clothed, his head under the water, standing up and his hand on the wall in front, holding him up. Blood was dripping from his arm, turn the water pink.

"Potter what the hell?" He didn't look at me, just turned the shower off and leant against the wall, sighing.

"It's all my fault." His raspy voice said.

"What?" I edged closer, cautiously.

"They all died because of me." He looked at me, his green eyes faded and rubbed red.

"Potter what are you talking about? None of what happened was your fault, it was all Voldemort." Harry sighed, almost laughing.

"Everyone would be alive if I had never been born, none of this would have happened, my parents would be alive." I walked closer wanting to heal his dripping arm.

"Then they wouldn't be you're parents. Please Potter just let me bandage your arm up." I took another step closer and took his other arm pulling him out of the shower. I put a towel round him and dabbed a smaller one on his arm. The cuts were so deep, he didn't wince at all, he seemed to be in a trance.

"Don't heal them, please." He begged, I nodded, I didn't know what else to do.

"Why did you do this?" He didn't reply, I got some clean bandages and covered his arm up, careful not to hurt him. He would have shown it anyway, his face was as rigid as stone.

I lead him out of the bathroom and put him in his bed, he curled up and scrunched his face up, holding his pillow.

I knelt down beside the bed, face to face with him. His eyes closed.

"Harry, if you ever want to talk, about anything. I'll always be here if you want me." He kept his eyes closed, I stood up and turned around. His hand clasped into mine. Squeezing it he replied.

"Thank you Draco." He let my hand go and his breathing slowed as he went back to sleep.

I stayed awake all night.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked around the room. Harry was already gone, his trunk tidied up, a book was on his bed. This was obviously the book he'd been looking for last night.

I opened the first page, a woman with red hair and Harry's eyes was hugging a man who looked just like Harry, apart from the eyes. His parents.

I flicked through it a bit more, a wedding photo caught my eye. Harry's father was waving at me, the untidy black hair that Harry had inherited standing up in all directions. His mother arm in arm with his dad. And next to his dad was another young man, Sirius Black. Harry's godfather.

I closed the book and got changed, walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

As I neared the doors, I turned the corner, bumping into someone.

Hermione Granger stared up at me as I'd knocked her onto the floor. I held my hand out to her, she was carrying some books in one hand.

"Sorry" I said smiling down, she took my hand gingerly and I pulled her up.

"It's fine Malfoy." She dropped one of her books and I bent down to pick it up.

"There you go." I said cheerfully. I thought about Harry, I had to tell someone, she was his friend after all.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked wondering if she'd take me seriously.

"Um, yeah sure" She carried on walking away from the Great Hall and I followed her. "What is it?"

"It's about Harry." Her eyebrow raised up a bit. "You know I share a room with him right?" She nodded.

"Do you like him? Cause I wouldn't judge you if you did, but you should tell him, not me." What was she on about? Harry's gay?

"What? He's gay?" I hadn't realised I was going red.

"Yeah he told me cause I kept pestering him on why he's broken up with Ginny. So if you wanna ask him out, ask him."

"Wait no that's not what I wanted to talk about." Hermione stopped and turned around.

"He's been having nightmares, he woke me up screaming and when I went to see if he was okay he ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I unlocked the door and his arm. It had cuts all over it. He thinks all of this is his fault, all the people that died." Hermione lent against the wall, looking as if she was going to cry.

"Why didn't he tell anyone?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him this morning, have you?" She shook her head.

"Well keep an eye out, I'm worried about him."

"I meant what I said, if you want to ask him out, ask him." She pulled a weak smiled and ran off to her previous destination, the library.

I think I will.

End of Chapter 5

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