Ch 21. Living Will

Start from the beginning

She groaned. "I don't want to fight... you're right I'm a bad friend. Maybe I should go see Ben." She said.

"Ben needs to figure things on his own now. This is a situation where he should come to you when he's ready and he knows what he wants. If you bother him now you could be breaking up a family. You never know."

"Oh my gosh I'm going to be a loner for the rest of my life!" She said.

"Don't exaggerate. You were a loner before you met us." Clay said as he sat next to me.

"Hey, that's mean!"

He waved her off and turned to look at me. He smiled and leaned in to give me a kiss. "Good afternoon beautiful."

"Oooh did you read a book on manners?" I asked him.

"Ha, you're funny. You're lucky you're my girlfriend." He pinched my cheek.

"No you're lucky."

"That is right." He sang. His phone rang and he looked at me. "I need to take this I'll be back." He said. He quickly for up and walked away.

I looked a Amelia who was already starring at me.

"Honestly that doesn't even surprise me." She said.

"It shouldn't." I sighed.

She looked past me at Clay and then at me. "How did he ask you out?"

"He didn't." I said as I remember his birthday. "We were watching a movie and Mikey fell asleep. Then he kissed me and said be my girlfriend. So it was more like a demand and I said okay."

"Submissive, are we?" She smirked.

"No!" I blushed.

"Sure." She laughed.

Clay came and sat down, putting his phone away. "What's up? You're blushing."

"Nothing. My friend over here thinks she's funny." I said.

"Hey, you guys don't happen to know of a really good lawyer, by any chance?" Clay asked.

"I mean my dad's an officer, he might know a few lawyers but I'm not sure if they're the best." I said.

"My dad's a scientist and a doctor so he does have one of the best lawyers but depending on the case he might be a bit expensive." Amelia said.

"Man, I need to get a lawyer." Clay sighed. "And he has to be good. So good, I get to keep Michael all to myself."

"I'll tell my dad-"

"No." Clay cut Amelia short. "Your dad's lawyer must be expensive as heck. I wouldn't be able to afford that."

"Maybe you can talk to the lawyer, he is very nice. I'm sure you guys can come to an agreement." Amelia said.

"That works. And if you need help getting prove of Tenny being a bitch we can get it. We'll help you." I said.

"Thanks." He said. "Um, we should go. I told Sam we would be at the center on time."

I groaned and looked at Amelia. "Sorry, we have to go. Come over later though. We can hang out a bit."

"Alright, I guess I'll see you guys later." She said.

I know I had said I didn't want to be with her but I didn't mind if we hung out at my house. Where people wouldn't give me a double glance seeing me on a wheelchair. Besides I felt bad that she really had no one else to talk to. Ben wasn't going to talk to us anytime soon.


Richard was his name. He kept talking to Clay about the show game of thrones, which I did not understand. It was funny, I'd never seen Richard be so excited. Then again I don't talk to him while I'm here.

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