RP:Alex the shadowwolf

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It was years ago since I was a leader of the rebellion and now?

Old me: Look at you. Not only did you betray the rebellion but now you betrayed yourself! What happened to you?!


Old me: Did the abyss corrupted your mind? Too much black ooze?!

Alex:It's not that. And I'm sorry if that disappoints you.

Old me:They believed in us. They delicated their lives to serving us!

Alex:Not to me, to the cause I started.

Old me:We ARE the cause! At least we were...

Alex:Really now?

Old me:If you can't, then create one of those clones and I'll lead the new rebellion myself.

Alex:REALLY??*creates a coma induced clone* GO THEN!!GO BUILD THE BRAND NEW REBELLION!!! GO ON WITHOUT ME!!

Old me:.....The moment you tell me that this is a trick-That Alex the shadowwolf returning home peacefully is part of some larger plan-Then I'll stop. You can disintegrate the clone.

Alex:....How and why are you here?

Old me: When you're alone for who knows so long, your head will do anything for some interaction. Besides, I decided to watch and wait until I'm certain the the new you was the real you.

Alex: And then?

Old me:Put us out of our misery. In between jobs, I always see you with your eyes closed and you think and you think and YOU THINK. You want to know what I think? I think for the first time in your life you don't know who you ARE. Hellhound, medic, rebel, leader. Now what?

Alex: Shadowwolf.

Old me: But why? If you'd had a change of heart you could've stay among the humans, be one yourself, no more, no less. Why return home?

Alex: After the rebellion died and I was exiled, I let my rage of revenge drive me and led me to become a shadow wolf. I wanted to destroy everything that would stop me from my original goal. If everyone thinks you're becoming a monster, what does it matter? You can only hear your own thoughts. But when you start to think of yourself as a monster.....I came to hate the person i'd become. And I decided that the best way to leave that person behind-Maybe the most forgiving way was to return home peacefully.

Old me: you're not a monster and we all have those moments. All of us, from time to time, we questioned our decisions in life and looked back a couple of times. That's part of being alive, you said so yourself. When we go back on this and laugh on it, the rebellion will win!

Alex: Rebellion? Look at me, does it look like I want to rebel again? I'm no longer wanting for more war. I don't have that same bite anymore...

Old me:Fine, if you believe that then I'll give you one piece of advice. Don't screw it up. *fades away*

Alex: Time to return home...

Alex: Time to return home

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My past form(hellhound) and my warrior form(Shadowwolf)

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My past form(hellhound) and my warrior form(Shadowwolf). This was before meeting my family and later wife.





Here's your knife btw, princess

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Here's your knife btw, princess.

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