Chapter Seven- Big Secrets Don't Stay Secret

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Kira- Kim rushed out of the room and I heard a door slam in the distance. I stood up and walked out of the bedroom, trying to ignore the sick feeling that was rising in my stomach. I tiptoed down the hallway and heard talking coming from Kim and Kanye's room. I hid behind the door and peeked through the small gap.

"Kanye I don't know what to do anymore. She's a nice girl but it's too much!" She exclaimed, throwing a heap of clothes on the bed. "Well what do you want to do?" Kanye asked and approached her reaching his arms out. Kim pulled away and sat on a nearby chair. "I don't know... maybe it'd be best for her to stay with Mum. I can't keep faking it. I'm her sister not her Mother!" I pushed the door open and stared at Kim angrily. "You lied to me!?" I shouted as tears escaped my eyes. "Shit. Yes I lied, I admit it but I only did it to help you!" She yelled back. "How is this helping me?!" I fell down on the ground and felt my breathing get faster, it's like the air was escaping my lungs. Kim was too busy fuming to notice and Kanye ran over rubbing my back. "I... can't... breathe" I gasped and felt myself go dizzy.

I slowly opened my eyes and heard machines beeping. A bright light turned on and I saw Kim sitting in the corner with North. "I didn't want you to get hurt" she muttered before turning away. North got out of her lap and walked over to the bed. She climbed up with my help and leaned into my chest. "Kir' are you sick?" She asked, using her nickname for me. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah but I'll be fine" I said quietly. She nodded and hugged me tightly.

"Kira Kardashian?" A doctor walked into the room, looking down at a clipboard. "Yeah that's me" I stated more loudly. He looked up and nodded. "Hello, I'm Doctor Porter. It's good to see you're awake" he said as we shook hands. He looked around the room and noticed Kim sitting in the corner. "Mrs Kardashian I'd appreciate it if we could discuss Kira's condition" he stated, ushering for her to join us. Kim reluctantly stood up and walked over. "So I'd like to start off by saying that this is nothing too serious. But you've suffered from an anxiety attack" he explained. I nodded and felt a little nervous, even though I wasn't very surprised I didn't like it. "There's not much we can do about that, it's a condition controlled by a persons mental state. You can gain control over it" he continued. "How?" I questioned. I had my doubts about that. "With hard work, determination and support from your family and friends."

As if I was going to get that anymore...

After an hour or so, I was told I was going to be discharged. But I knew Kim didn't want me to go home with her so we were still at the hospital. "Are you going to make a decision or are you going to leave me hanging?" I asked sassily. I was so mad at her right now. "I don't know okay? You heard it with your own ears. I'm not your Mother" she retorted. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Isn't my 'real Mum' going to do something?" I demanded using air quotes. "She doesn't want you" Kim replied quickly.

I frowned and an idea hit me. "What about my Dad?" I mumbled. Kim shot a look at me and sighed. "That's not possible." She turned away and looked through a window. "Oh yeah that's because he's dead!" I announced angrily. Kim spun around and approached me. "What are you talking about?" She asked with a look of hurt and frustration. I gulped nervously and repeated. "Isn't he dead?"

"No!" She yelled. My mouth basically hit the floor as I realised who my Dad was. "My name isn't Kardashian" I said. Kim stared at me but stayed silent. "No it's not" she whispered. "I want to see her" I said aloud as I decided it on the spot. Kim sighed and stood up, walking out the door, pulling North behind her.

I looked out the window from my hospital bed. Kim was speaking to her, Caitlyn Jenner. My Father now gone transgender. I could tell she was getting annoyed but Caitlyn just looked neutral, like she was using a poker face. Kim flung her arms in the air and yelled something that I couldn't understand and ran off. Caitlyn brushed her clothes off and walked around the corner. She opened the door and walked in...

To be continued

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