Chapter 9

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"So, what if you get pregnant?" Mama asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Then I'll get pregnant but I'm not. I always use protection."

"Protection doesn't always work."

"And I use your old birth control pills that you left in the bathroom. You set me up to do all of this, so I don't know why you're getting so shocked. You're the one who leaves me home alone most of the time and you're the one who leaves me alone with Trey. Of course I'm going to start getting curious about sex. That's why I'm sleeping with your man!" I yelled.

Instead of Mama being shocked like I thought she was and crying like I thought she'd be she back handed me as hard as she could. Her forceful slap, which was comparable to that of an angry man, was rough enough to get me on the ground. 

"Don't think I didn't know what was going on," She smirked. "I've known all along what your dirty ass was doing Nyree. I was just waiting on you to say something."

I scrunched up my face extremely confused as I looked between the three adults who were standing over me. Dad was completely flabbergasted and Trey was right along with him since he knew he was about to go to jail once my Dad got a hold of him but Mama? That crazy witch stood over me laughing, when I knew she was truly hurting deep down inside.

I pulled myself up from off of the ground and backed away from her. "How did you already know this was going on?" I asked.

Mama smirked as she made her way towards me. With every step she took towards me I took two steps back but I couldn't anymore. She had me cornered in between the couch, her and the fireplace. I looked beyond her and sighed when I knew there was no way I was getting out of this one, so I might as well listen to this twisted up, demented story of hers.

"Well, the day you came back from your Dad's house I was cleaning up your room. A horrible smell was coming from your fridge so I opened it and saw the semen that you left in there. Me, being the concerned parent, took it and got one of those tests I saw on TV that can be tested on sperm. The results that came back only gave me little evidence about who you were with but not enough for me to fully know who it was. So I gathered other information, like DNA samples. I swabbed Trey's mouth while he was asleep and got it tested. Turns out the DNA sample was a match to the DNA that was in the semen you saved," She explained.

She was honestly crazy if she went through all of that just to accuse her daughter of something she already had a basic justification for in the beginning. She should have just asked me about it instead of going through so much trouble.

I smirked, about to be as down right and foul as her. "Well, you know what? I am sleeping with Trey and I'm going to continue to sleep with him for as long as I want to. Isn't that right Trey?" I asked, looking back at him.

I guess he thought he was going to be off the hook once all of the attention in the room got shifted to me and I wasn't going to let that happen. Trey was just as much apart of this as I was and if I was going down, so was her.

Mama turned to Trey. "Is that right Trey?" She asked, shifting her weight to the right side of her body as she folded her arms.

He swallowed hard, probably wishing he had made a run for it while Mama was caught up with me. Trey took a deep breath and walked over to Mama and I. "Hope I loved you for as long as I could but I can't keep lying to you any longer. I have been sleeping with Nyree and I do plan on keeping things going with her."

"You're disgusting! She's only a little girl and you're going to go to jail for what you're doing!" Daddy yelled behind Mama.

"I'm going to be 18 in two months, so you don't even have to worry," I pushed my Mother, well Hope, out of my way before walking over to Trey. "Now, if you don't mind I'm going to take my man and we're going to head out of here."

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