Chapter 8

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I knew I should have trusted my Dad. I knew he was going to turn against me and end up telling somebody everything he said he wouldn't. Without even putting any thought into things I pulled out my phone and called my Dad's number. I knew he was probably at work but I really didn't care. He seriously lost all of my trust when he went back and told Romel's Mother.

"Nyree, I'm at work and shouldn't you be at school?" He asked as if he was being rushed.

"I am at school. I thought you said you wouldn't tell anybody about what I told you yesterday. How could you tell Romel's Mother everything I told you?"

He sighed. "It's complicated Nyree. I didn't tell your Mother, like you told me not to, but I thought I should have told his Mom. It's good if she knows what's going on with her son and his so called best friend. Where's your Mother?"

I smacked my lips. "She's up here at the school with Romel's Mother," I replied.

"And where are you at?"

"I'm at school too but I'm hiding from them," I said. "I'm not trying to get in trouble with them. Do you know how much trouble I'm going to get in when Mama finds out? Mel and I just became friends again, do you know how mad he's going to be when he finds out I told you? He's never gonna want to be friends with me and his girlfriend is gonna beat my ass!" I stressed.

"You need to watch who you're talking to with that dirty mouth of yours. Where'd you pick up on those words?" He laughed. "But maybe you need a little ass kicking."

"I picked up on those words from you and Mama. Daddy! How could you say that?" I asked.

He laughed again as if all of this was amusing. "I'm just kidding Ree. Look nobody's going to kick your ass, I promise. Just go find your Mother and man up to what you did. The truth was going to come out eventually. Just be honest with her," He said.

"But Daddy," I groaned. 

"But Daddy, nothing. Just do as I said and everything should be fine," He replied.

I rolled my eyes because I knew everything wasn't going to be fine once I approached Mama and Mel's Mother. "Yeah, whatever Daddy. You're ridiculous," I said hanging up my phone. I shoved it back in my purse and decided on walking in their direction. There's no way I was ever going to be able to get to class with them standing in the middle of the hallway, so I might as well have came down here.

As I walked down the hallway, inching closer to them, I purposely looked away as if I didn't see them but it did no good when I felt somebody grab on to my arm. Mama yanked me towards her before hitting me upside my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked loud enough for only me to hear.

I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing wrong with me but I need to get to my class before I get detention for being late," I replied.

"I don't care about you getting detention. Who told you it was okay to be sleeping around? You're only seventeen years old."

"And I'm almost grown. I can make my own decisions and I'm sure Romel can make his own without y'all having to get involved."

"Excuse me," Romel's Mom spoke up. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately Nyree but you can speak for yourself on this one. You two are too young to be doing this with each other. I thought you two were just friends and what happened to that so called girlfriend of yours Mel?"

Mel sighed. "She's still around."

"And you think it's alright to cheat on her with our best friend?" His Mom asked.

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