Chapter 1

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[Ty's POV]

I jolt upright in bed. It was all a dream. I get dressed and do my hair over my left eye, like in the dream. I look down at the ground, thinking about it as I grab my backpack and walk out the door. I bump into someone.

"Excuse me." I mutter. I look up and I see someone with curly hair and a small beard who looked in his 20s.

"It's ok." He laughed with a smile. "I'm Adam. What's your name?"

I stared in shock.

"I-it's o-okay, Ty. If y-you l-love me, let m-me g-g-go."

"He-llo?"Adam waves a hand in front of my face. I snap back into reality.

"I-I'm Ty." I start to walk past him. A song came on in my earbuds that caused me to stop for a second.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart,
The waking up is the hardest part.

"Is there something wrong?" Adam asks with concern. I substituted some of the words with others to make it relate more, ignoring Adam.

Wondering is he really here?
Is he standing next to me?
Yes he is.
He's the one. that's. in. the dream.

"Tyyy..." Adam waves a hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality. He said my name as if he knew me before. He did. In my dream.

"Adam." I say. I can tell it catches him completely off guard. "I have this weird feeling that I've known you before." Please have had that dream too. Please. Please. Jerome, Mitch, Breanne, Maddie, Cal, Cory, the hospital, the asylum, nightmares, coma-

"Yeah. Me too. I may have dreamed about someone looking like you or something." He stared at my lips, possibly remembering.

"I know for sure I had a dream about someone like you." I replied. He looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

"Crazy ex who chased you into the woods."

"A cottage in Florida." he was remembering!

He smiled. "Your coma."

"Maddie..." I knew that we had had the same dream.

"So..." Both mine and his smile faded. I remembered my lips pressed against his. The video. His death. My suicide. I blushed and looked at the ground.

"What say we ditch school, find 'Jerome' and 'Mitch', and see if they had the dream too?" He suggested.

I looked at him, confused. "Your not friends with them?"

"Nope. And I'm guessing your not either."


((First chapter! :D))

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