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He pause and takes a deep breath

"I don't know how to say this but." Is he gonna say he likes me?

"I wanted to get close to you so I could get closer to Ally because I really like her." I was in shock. My crush liked my best friend.

"Oh, um want me to invite her over? I can tell you what she likes and hates."

"That would be amazing!"

I call Ally and ask if she wants to come over.

"Okay...yeah...Ok see you later." Peter looks at me anxiously

"So?" I sigh

"She'll be here in 5 minutes."

"Great!" he jumps "Thank you so much!"

"No problem." I say with a fake smile.

For the next five minutes I tell him all about her. What see likes what she doesn't. I could switch it around make Ally hate him, but I don't want to be mean.

"She loves to read like every other Erudite but-" the door bell interrupts me "That must be her." I say going up stairs to answer the door

"Hey Ally!"

"Hey Vi what's up."

"Nothing! Please come in." I say guiding her in.

"So Peter's here right?"

"Yup." I say with hate in my voice

"Did you tell him?"

"Why should I?"

"Vi what's wrong you have the BIGGEST crush on him."

"He likes you not me." Letting those words out make me wanna crawl in a cave and cry. Ally doesn't say anything she just walks downstairs.

"Hey Peter!" She says walking up to him embracing him in a tight hug.

"Hey Ally!"his beautiful smile flashes towards her.

They talk all afternoon while I try to pretend to listen and care.

"Sorry guys but I'm really tired so I think I'm gonna go to sleep but thanks for coming over!"

"No problem and it's okay we'll go to my house, yeah Peter?"

"Yeah sure!" he smiles

"Well bye see you tomorrow!" I say waving at them as the walk away holding hands.

As I close the door I slide down against it and start to cry. I've never liked someone like I have Peter. My best friend who knew how much I liked him, stole him. I hope I never have to see their faces ever again. I hope they transfer to Abnegation and feel the terror of Jeanine's plan.

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