But Why?

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Claire's POV- I wake up smiling at the ceiling. I stare at my coffee deep in thought as Marie asks a million questions.

"You know," I say suddenly. "He asked so much about me and I didn't learn one thing about him."

"Well that gives you an excuse to talk to him today," Marie shrugs. "Invite him to our thing Friday"

"That's Friday?" I groan.

"Yes! Allie, Darcy, Blake, Ron, Lily, Daisy, Blair AND her new boyfriend, Drew, Zoe-"

"I get it! A bunch if people are going to be in our abnormally small house! Why do I have to be here?"

"Claire, you need to hang out with people!"

"I don't like people!"

"You like Ashton!"

That shuts me up and makes me blush. "Well- that's- he's- I-"

"Just invite him. And Michael! It might actually be fun!"

"Fiiine!" I sigh, walking out the front door.

Ashton's POV- I wake up to a ringing sound. Like a bell. Doorbell! It's the doorbell! I run to the door and yank it open. "Claire! Come in!"

"Hey! Thanks!" She steps inside, and we stand there awkwardly for a second.

"I have to ask you something," we say at the same time.

"You first," I laugh nervously.

"Okay! Uh... do you want to come to a super lame party with a bunch of people I only sort of tolerate?"

"Sounds... fun?"

"It might be if you and Michael come because I actually don't hate you!"

"I'm touched," I reply. "Yeah sure! We'll be there!"

"Praise The Lord! What did you want to ask me?" she asks.

Michael decides to walk in right then. Great. Perfect timing.

"Claire invited us to a party!"

"Will there be food?" Michael asks automatically.

"I wouldn't even go if there wasn't food!" she cries.

"Then I'll come."

I sigh impatiently, trying desperately to send Michael a signal.

"Am I interrupting something or..."

I shoot him a look.

"Ohhhh! I'm gonna go make breakfast!" he yells, running to the kitchen.

"Why-" Claire starts.

"Claire, if I don't get this out now I never will: you're funny and smart and beautiful and sweet and charming in an awkward way and I want to go on a date with you. A proper one. As in not on your roof."

She stands aghast just staring at me. "Please say yes," I add.

"How could I not?" she smiles. "Pick me up at 6 then." She closes the door gently behind her.

In a happy fog, I wander into the kitchen and sit on the counter.

"Asked her out?" Michael asks, unable to find breakfast food in their still boxed up kitchen and settling for cold pizza.

"Yep!" I smile.

"Wow. You really like her, don't you?"

"Michael, she's like no one I've even seen before. She's beautiful in a different way. It's not like you glance at her and go 'Wow, she's pretty!' It's like... it's like there's no one else I'd rather be around, you know? She lights up whatever room she's in. I feel like I just met her but I like know her."


"What?" I snap.

"Are you sure it would be good to be in a relationship when-"

"She makes me happy, Michael. She does. If anything this will be good for me."

"Then I'm happy for you," he smiles.

"Thanks, Mike. Besides, it's a date. Not a relationship. One step at a time."

"Have you kissed her?"

I press my lips together to keep from smiling. Michael, however, smiles from ear to ear.

"Where are you gonna take her tonight?"

I don't know the answer to that yet. "I guess something fun."

Michael laughs. "I should hope so!"

"I mean I have a few ideas! I just want it to be perfect!"

Claire's POV- The moment I tell Marie she does this: "WHAT?! Okay okay so what are you going to wear? It has to be absolutely adorable but still comfortable because you don't know where you're going and-"

"Marie, why did he ask me out?"

The smile falls from her face and she wraps an arm around me. "Don't say that!"

"Have you looked at him? Talked to him? He's amazing. He could have anyone he wants so why did he choose me?"

"Because he'd be an idiot not to!"

"You're only saying that because you're my best friend!"

"Claire, listen. I could be friends with anyone and I chose you. You know why? Because you're hilarious and fun and I could talk to you for hours. Ashton obviously sees that. I can't listen to you put yourself down like this."

"Thanks," I say offering a small smile, but I don't feel any better.

When 6 rolls around I try hard not to wait by the door. I grab my guitar and sit on the guitar, idly finger picking a little riff. I rest the instrument on my black skirt and recheck my sunflower crop top. The outfit took forever to pick out, but Marie finally found this. I'm in the middle of playing an "Somewhere in Neverland" by All Time Low when there's a knocking at the door. I jump up and set the guitar down. Ashton stands there with a fedora (I know, but he actually pulls it off.) and a sunflower.

"Wow!" he whispers. "Looks like I brought the right flower!"

I laugh and take it. "I'll just put this in a vase and-"

"I got it!" Marie cries from behind me, making me jump.

"Well okay then."

"Shall we go?" Ashton offers me his arm. I take it and follow him to his car which is already waiting outside my house.

"So where are we going?"

He simply raises an eyebrow and opens the door to the passenger seat."

"Alright then. You should know I hate surprises!"

"I don't believe that for a second!" he laughs, putting the car in gear.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you seem like a lover of spontaneous, sporadical acts of stupidity!"


"Poor word choice. My bad. My point stands though!" He's a laid back driver, but I'm as tense as a deer at gunpoint. "You okay?"

"I'm good!" I laugh nervously.

"Hey, this is gonna be fun. Like actually fun. I swear."

"I believe you!"

"Good. Trust me." He turns in to the last place I would've ever expected, and my stomach feels like lead.

"What are we doing here?"

"I said trust me," he says, eyes glinting.

Aftermath // 5SOS Fanfic // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now