Chapter Nine

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Sleepy cuddles and no-coddling!


Friday 7am

Waking up to my phone going off from a text message, i groaned and blindly felt around on my bed for my phone. Feeling my hand hit my phone i squinted my eyes open to see a text from Genevieve.

"You probably won't see this till later on but I'm still stuck in Yorkers until tomorrow, call me when you can!" The text read, i looked at the time and sighed going to stand up and call Gen but a arm around my waist prevented me from moving. Confused as to what happened the night before my eyes shot to the tan muscular arm that dwarfed my body and i let my eyes travel up the arm and to the face of the person.

Sighing with relief when i noticed it was Bucky, i smiled shifting so i was leaning on my elbow looking down at him, reaching up and moving a piece of hair out of his face, i watched his peaceful expression, knowing that even if he wouldn't admit to it, this is one of the best nights of sleep he had gotten. He doesn't know that i can hear him at night thrashing around in his bed and talking in his sleep saying things in Russian that i didn't understand.

"You know watching people sleep is creepy," Bucky said in a deep groggy but extremely sexy voice, a small smile coming across his face, making me jump slightly gasping in fear.

"God Bucky! give me a frickin' heart attack why don't ya!" I said smacking his metal arm, and shoving the other off my waist. Standing up i grabbed a ponytail and threw my hair up in a bun, walking to the bathroom. As i was brushing my teeth a thought occurred to me, how did i end up in my bed and why was Bucky there too? After spitting out my tooth paste and washing my mouth out with water, i stepped out of my bathroom and made my way to my room. Walking into my bedroom i looked over to my bed to see Bucky still laying there on his back with his arm thrown over his eyes, blocking out the sun peaking threw the window across the room. Looking at him in my bed laying like that without his shirt on gave me thoughts that i quickly shook out of my head, still i couldn't help but admire him and the way he looks like a god.

"Hey buck?" I asked trying to get his attention, i sat at the end of the bed by his feet. Getting nothing but a grunt in reply i huffed back at him reaching out and nudging his foot closest to me. "Buck how did i get in here and why are you here?" I asked tilting my head and looking at him.

"I don't know a fairy?" he grumbled out sleepily, making me roll my eyes and crawl up next to him.

"Seriously Bucky," I said grabbing his arm and moving it away, uncovering his eyes making him look up at me squinting from the light, i stared down into his eyes giving him a 'tell me' face and he huffed pushing himself up so he was sat leaning his head against my headboard.

"I brought you in here after you fell asleep on the couch and when i tried to leave you woke up and asked me to stay, so i did!" He said looking down at where my hand was playing with his.

"Okay, well thank you," I said smiling softly at him, making him look back up at me and smile sleepily back at me.

"Now lets go back to sleep!" He said pulling on my hand that was still holding his and making me fall onto his chest. I laughed and lifted my head looking at his grinning face as he chuckled quietly making his chest rumble and his eyes close while his nose scrunch up. He stopped laughing and opened his eyes looking back at me, "You're important," He said seriously gazing into my eyes.

i gazed back and muttered, "You're important too," Making him smile softly at me, the memory of last night coming back to me and making me smile softly back at him.

~Flash to last night~

Thursday 8pm

Emory and Bucky where standing by the corner of the room when a man walked up and asked to speak to Bucky for a second, Emory said it was fine but she could see Bucky didn't want to leave her alone as the man had to almost drag him away to talk. Through the time Bucky was gone Emory stood watching all the couples dance and have fun, wishing she could have someone to love her like that.

Holes in walls make friends (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now