Chapter four

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Spiders and nakedness


Saturday Night 8pm

After Bucky left with my number and me getting teased more by Hunter and Gen, the day seemed to finally pass by quicker and i was able to make it through my jobs at the diner and at the cafe with only having four cups of coffee.

Closing my door with a huff i leaned my back against it, throwing my purse on my hallway table and kicking my shoes off my feet i walked through the living room and into the bedroom and flopped onto my bed groaning into my pillows, rolling onto my side i grabbed my phone and scrolled threw Instagram for a little while.

Rolling over and looking at my bedside clock, i seen it was 8pm and i still needed to shower and i forgot to eat dinner. choosing to make diner after i get out the shower, i got up off my bed i grabbed some clean clothes off the bottom of my bed and made my way to the bathroom, closing the door behind me i threw my clothes on the toilet lid, after undressing i got in the shower and and started washing my hair.

Done rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, i flipped my hair out on my face and opened my eyes. Screaming i jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself running out into my living room, hearing Bucky run around in his apartment his face showed up in the hole in the wall. 

"What's wrong? are you okay?" He said frantically, looking me over only to stop and stare at my legs for a moment longer.

"No! im not okay! a perverted demon monster is in my bathroom and it tried to kill me!" I said pointing at my bathroom and stomping my foot.

"What?" He laughed slightly and looked away from my legs and up into my eyes, "There's a perverted demon monster in your bathroom?" He asked tilting his head slightly and raising a eyebrow. Nodding my head and pouting i folded my arms over my chest, he chuckled and disappeared from the whole in the wall, hearing him walking out of his apartment and my door opening to him coming in and standing next to me.

"Can i?" He said pointing to the bathroom door, nodding my head i let him go into the bathroom. He walked to the the door and opened it letting the steam from the shower flow out of the small room. 

"This is the 'perverted demon monster'?" He said laughing, pointing to the spider on the wall and turning to look at me. Hearing him laugh at me i frowned and looked down at my feet. Hearing him sigh he walked over to me and put his hands on my arms rubbing them with his thumbs, looking up at him he smiled down at me.

"Go grab a shoe and i'll take care of him," he said making me beam up at him and rush to my bed room with him chuckling behind me.

Grabbing the first shoe i find i rush back to him, gripping my towel tight in my hand. Shoving the shoe in his hand i grin at him,he looks down at the shoe i gave him and smiled looking back up at me raising a eyebrow.

"A heel?" He said questionably, making me look from the shoe and back to him.

"I'll go get a different one," i said turning and taking a step to go get a different shoe. He reached out and grabbed my arm softly in his metal hand stopping me from moving.

"No! this one is fine!" he said smiling reassuringly, making me smile back slightly blushing.

"Alright lets go get this monster," Bucky said walking back into the bathroom, with me trailing behind him and standing near the door ready to run. He flipped the water off so he could hit the spider without getting his shirt wet, quickly slamming the heel onto the wall he smashed the spider and it fell to the bottom of the tub and he turned the water back on and sprayed the dead spider down the drain.

Walking back out of the bathroom he turned to me, "i believe this is yours," He said holding out the heel, making me scrunch up my face and grab it staying away from the part where he squashed the spider. He chuckled looking at my face, making me look up at his blue eyes getting lost staring into them and smile awkwardly up at him.

"Thanks for that," I said pointing over my shoulder at the bath room.

"Oh! yeah! your welcome!" he said clearing his throat and stepping back slightly, breaking eye contact with me looking at the floor. We stood awkwardly for a few more moments not looking at each other before he cleared his throat again and turned to face the door slightly.

"Well i'm gonna um ya know get back to my apartment," He said gesturing to the door with his hands.

"Yeah yeah i have to finish my shower!" i said tacking steps backwards to the bathroom, "thanks again!" i said watching him walk to the front door to the the hall. He smiled over his shoulder and waved slightly at me,walking out of my apartment he closed my door behind him.

Sighing and going back into the bathroom i closed the door and laid my head back on it closing my eyes. "Could you be more awkward?" i said groaning and pushing myself off the door and started my shower again, hopping that the next time we run into each other it won't be as weird.


So sorry for not updating recently! i had to go to the hospital with my family because *drum roll* MY SISTER GAVE BIRTH TO MY FIRST NIECE WOOHOO!!! yeah so sorry again i just thought that it was okay for me to not post due to those circumstances. 

I will start posting again though and im so happy that there is people reading this i just want to thank you all so much!!

Holes in walls make friends (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant