Chapter Two

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5am and crazy aunt Genevieve


After the awkward first introduction i thought that everything could only go smooth till the hole was fixed and Bucky and i will become strangers that pass each other in the hall.

Sadly that didn't happen.


Saturday Morning 5:13am

Groaning and rolling over to the other side of my bed i pulled my pillow over my head to try and ignore to sound of grunts and panting that was coming from the hole in the wall in my living room. Huffing loudly i sat up shoving my hair out of my face and glared towards the living room, imagining Bucky's head going up in smoke. Standing out of my bed i stormed to the hole in the wall, my blanket still tucked around me like a burrito, glaring through the hole i looked in to see Bucky doing sit up in front of his TV, that looked to be playing the morning news.

"hey Bucky?" i said sweetly grabbing his attention and making him sit up and look over at me.

"Yeah do you need something?" He said tilting his head and looking at me curiously.

"Yeah uh no, you do realize that some people aren't psychopaths that get up at the crack of dawn and start running around and working out!" I said flailing my arms around.

"Its five in the morning." he said looking at his phone on the ground next to him. "i always work out in the mornings before work."

Groaning at him and stomping my foot on the ground, i turned around and made my way back into my room to try and get more sleep, before i have to get up at seven to go to my stupid job. Granted it wasn't that bad of a job! i'm a waitress at this diner and i have to be there at 7:45am and leave at 3pm to get to my other job as a barista at a coffee shop at 3:30pm. Finally falling back asleep 30 minutes later i stay asleep till my alarm wakes me up this time.


Walking into the diner i was chugging my last drops of coffee from my to-go cup, sighing as i realized that today was Saturday and its one of the busiest days of the week.

"Hey Em is that you?" A British voice called from the back room.

"No Gen its Freddy Kruger here to kill ya!" i said walking around the counter to meet Genevieve in the back room where the kitchen is. "Honestly Gen when are you going to remember that i'm the only other employee you gave a key too?"

"Shut up! you know how forgetful i can be and yet you still make fun of me!" Genevieve Anthony is the owner of the diner and is one of my closest friends, well she is more like a crazy aunt to me. she is the nutiest most ditsy forgetful person i know, she was always around and she is the only reason why i have a job and why i am even living in New York. i always loved coming down here and helping out around the diner whenever i could even if it meant taking a bus after school to come and see her and the diner. She even told me herself she wanted me around more then she wanted her own daughter Avery around, seeing as her daughter never helped around the diner and only ever showed up to take money out of the cash register to give to her druggy boyfriends, its a little understandable.

"You know i only tease you cause i love you!" i said walking up to her where she was rolling out dough on the counter, I gave her a quick hug from behind and felt her hug me to her side and kiss the top of my head.

"Yes yes i love you too," she said rolling her eyes and letting go of me. "Now! down to business! what flavored pie should i serve today?" she said clapping her hands and spinning around to face me. Jumping up to sit on the counter i chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"What are the ones you thought of so far?" I said reaching over and grabbing a green grape from a bowl.

"Lets see.... I can make peach?" "No that was served yesterday" "Blueberry?" "Nooo something different" "What about apple?" "Nope" "Strawberry pie?" "OH SHOOT! That's what i forgot to get at the store!" "Oh my god Emmy" she said shaking her head at me and giggling.

"Ummmm hey what about that meat pie you use to make all the time!" I said pointing at her and jumping off the counter.

"I forgot about that pie! You know that was johnny's favorite pie! Oh every time he was having a bad day i would make him that pie and he would cheer up instantly!" Gen said smiling faintly with a faraway look in her eyes. Johnny was her husband, he died when i was 10 years old so i don't really remember him, only little things like him teaching me to dance and play the guitar and how to make the best pancakes in the world. Genevieve and Johnny were like soulmates, always together and rarely ever fought, they were always the ones that if i wanted to see what true love was, I could look towards them and see it.

Smiling sadly at her, I pulled her into a hug. "He was the greatest" i whispered to her hugging her to me tighter. "He certainly was, wasn't he?" she said squeezing me back just as tightly.

"Okay!" She said stepping back and clapping her hands together, "You go set the sign to open and start cleaning tables! I'll get started on the pie and breakfast!" she said cheerfully making me laugh and turn to go open the diner, silently praying that the business of the day is going to take my mind off the hot long haired blue eye man that i now have to see every time i go in my living room.

Holes in walls make friends (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum