Chapter three

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Annoying puppy love and Phone numbers


Saturday Morning 9am

Making my way around the tables full of people at the diner, i stopped at a table that a old man was sitting at reading the newspaper to pour coffee into his mug before making my way back behind the bar and setting down the coffee jug. Picking up a small notebook to take orders from the people sitting at the bar, i finally looked up and went to the first person near me, who just so happened to be Hunter Kluggs, a 63 year old man that no matter how many times she shoots him down always flirts with Genevieve.

"Hey good morning Hunter!" I said smiling big at him, Hunter has been coming to the diner for as long as i can remember, everyday he shows up in the mornings on his way to the park about a block from here.

"Hey sweetie good morning to you too!" He said smiling, his brown eyes shining happily.

"You want your usual?" I asked pointing the pencil at him.

"Do you even have to ask me anymore?" he laughs,  leaning his elbows on the bar.

"Hey you never know you could end up choosing something completely different!" I said grinning at him and putting his order on the notepad and moving to the person next to him, after writing their order down i turned around and hung the orders on the ticket holder. after chatting with Hunter for a few minutes more, i walked away to clean some more tables and wait for the food to finish cooking.

Hearing the bells above the door ringing made me look up and do a double take when i saw who was standing by the door, the guy i was hoping to forget about for a little while today just walked through the diner door and was staring back at me with a shocked look on his face. "Bucky?"

The chime of the bell that signaled that the food was done, knocked me out of my thoughts and i shook my head clearing it of Bucky and rushed behind the bar grabbing the food, balancing the plates on my arms and handing them to the right people, i looked over and seen that Bucky had sat at a table in the back of the diner by the bathroom. 

Walking over to him i stopped by his table making him look up from his menu at me, "So did you know i work here and decide to stalk me or what?" I said folding my arms over my chest and cocking my hip out to the side.

"I swear i didn't know you work here! my friend just told me about this place and said you guys have good food!" He said raising his hands up innocently. I lowered my arms and smiled apologetically, "Sorry its just haven't ever seen you in here and then you just so happen to be my neighbor and sorry!" I said looking down tucking my hair behind my ear.

"No its fine! Your fine" He said smiling at me, then as quick as his smile was there it disappeared and his blue eyes widened, "NO! your not fine! i mean you are fine! but you-your-i-" I cut him off laughing. "Its okay, i know what you meant" i said still giggling, he sent me a great full smile for stopping him from talking.

"Okay um well i'm just gonna, ya know go and let you look at the menu," i said pointing over my shoulder and turning slowly, walking away i look over my shoulder back at him and seen him still watching me. Once he noticed me looking at him, he ducked his head down behind his menu where i couldn't see his face anymore. Smiling and blushing i made it back behind the bar where i seen Genevieve and Hunter staring at me grinning big.

"What?" i said defensively, grabbing a rag and started cleaning the bar top.

"What?!" Gen said smiling bigger, if even possible, and poked me in the ribs, making me squirm away from her and swatting at her, "What was that? You two looked like little love sick puppies!" She said pointing her finger at me, i looked at Hunter to see him nodding at me agreeing with Genevieve.

"What? no!" I said shoving her finger down, "There is nothing going on with me and him!" i said shaking my head.

"That was so not nothing!" she said gesturing to him, "You like him!"

"No! i don't like him and it really was nothing!" I said turning and looking at him over my shoulder, "We're just neighbors," i said throwing my towel on the bar and glaring at her.

"You look like you want to be more than neighbors," Hunter said making me turn my glare towards him.

"I do not like him!" I said throwing my hands up and walking to the away ending the conversation, behind me I hear Gen say to Hunter, "She likes him," Making me roll my eyes and huff out a annoyed breath, I walked back up to Bucky and took my pencil and notepad out of my apron.

"Hey, ready to order?"i asked smiling at him, making him look up from the menu.

"Huh? oh yeah um i'll get the burger and fries with a water, and maybe your number?" He said smiling sheepishly up at me, making me freeze and drop my pencil.

Reaching down and picking it up off the floor, i stood back up and straightened my shirt, "um w-what?" I stuttered looking down at my shoes.

"I'm sorry i just thought, ya know we live next to each other and i'm kinda new to this times stuff, and i'm sorry," He said blushing and stuttering and running his hands through his hair.

"Oh no i um ya no you can have my number!" I said looking up at him and smiling slightly at him, ignoring the comment about not knowing new times stuff.

"Really? okay cool!" he said grinning at me, his blue eyes shining.

"Okay well i'm gonna go get your burger," I said and turned around and walking away to get his burger and to right down my number. 

Holes in walls make friends (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora