"alright class, grab your partners and hold them in position one"

Hoseok reached forwards and grabbed onto Namjoon's waist, pulling his body towards so they were centimeters apart. His other hand then grabbed Namjoon's right hand and gripped it tightly.

"woah woah w-what are you doing" Namjoon stuttered, trying his best to retreat from the formation but Hoseok only gripped him more securely.

"we're in position one " Hoseok replied, feeling the sweat on Namjoon's palms and watching him slowly turn into a tomato, most-likely from the closeness, "do you not know the tango positions or something?"

"TANGO!" Namjoon squeaked, "i didn't know we were dancing tango!"

"stop fucking screaming dumbass" Hoseok nagged "and yes we are, if you haven't noticed with your blind-ass eyes"

Namjoon frowned, "but I thought tango was with girls"

"well look around the class, does it look like there are enough girls here?"

His eyes looked around the room and surprisingly only spotted five girls. "why are there less girls?"

"because most of them are in morning classes, and these girls have work at sunrise so this is their only option"

Namjoon gave Hoseok a playful grin, "aww your so sweet, actually showing empathy for your students".

"as if, i only give them classes that meet their schedules so i get payed. i can't afford to kick them out and go broke now can i?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "i'd give you a nasty look but it seems you already have one"

"shut up"

"shut up" Namjoon mimicked in the highest tone he could make, chuckling to himself as Hoseok clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"alright everyone, now get in position two and on the count of 3, twist"

Hoseok pulled Namjoon even closer, if that was possible, and pushed his right leg in between namjoon's, their noses basically touching by now. Heat began to make its way to the back of Namjoon's neck as he breathed heavily, trying his best not to make eye contact with the other.

Although it was impossible due to their current position, that and the older males attracting face. Namjoons eyes made slight contact with the others and immediately got sucked in. There was something about his brown, alluring eyes and sharp face that made his body weak. They held some sort of passion in Hoseok's deep orbs, truly enthralling.

Before he could pop a fuse from his radiating beauty, Hoseok suddenly yelled "1,2,3!"

Namjoon didn't even have time to react before his arm was pulled up and he was twisted so he was swirling around Hoseok's body and then halting in front of him, only for Hoseok to lean his body back, bringing their faces together once again.

He was in the typical tango position with hoseok, where Hoseok would be the one with the rose in his mouth as he held Namjoon a few inches from the ground.

Namjoon suddenly started trembling out of nervousness, his shirt had risen slightly showing off his belly and he didn't have a free hand to bring it down. He also began worrying that Hoseok would drop him because he was heavier than normal due to all the instant ramen he consumed in the past week. His insecurities began coming back at a rapid pace and he couldn't do anything else than to stay in that position and hope Hoseok would both not let him fall and look down to see his exposed tummy.

"and back to position one"

Namjoon was lifted and brought back to the original pose, making him sigh in relief. The redness in his cheeks were still there but it was going away slowly but surely. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest and he hoped Hoseok didn't hear it. That and a weird sensation down in his crotch area.

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