Game Of Tag

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(This chapter is actually where my writing actually gets a bit better)

Candy's pov

"Three, two, one, go!!" I hear him say over the intercom. I start running anywhere I could. I climbed on top of the cages and stayed there for a bit. I looked around my playing ground.

I see little creatures of all sorts crawling around here. Some looking like animals and some looking more like humans that got into a terrible accident. 'I can't stay in more than one place for a very long time,' I think to myself. I hear them climbing up the cage and I quickly jump to the next then jump off that one. Once I land I sprint in a random direction then make a right turn. I stop and catch my breath a bit. I look around and see a few coming after me. I roll my eyes and yell out, "this game isn't very fun!!!" I hear his laugh nearby when I said that and I start running away.

I run a great deal away and I start to wonder if I'll ever get out of here alive. I hear more monsters coming so I have to run but not before I ask him something. "HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO PLAY THIS GAME!?" I yell out. I know he heard me and what confirmed it was him over the intercom saying, "till the sun rises darling. We wanna have fun all night." I mentally face palm and climb on top of a cage. This is going to be one long night.

Laughing Jack's pov

I could see that she's never played my game of tag. She's left her footprints that'll lead me right to her. I can't wait to hear her screams of pain while I cut her up and make her into my candy. I follow her foot prints till they lead to one of my many cages. 'This is too easy' I think to myself. I slowly climb up the cage ladder and before I reach the top I come face to face with her canes. "I suggest you go back down," she growls at me. "Darling...that's cheating," I say looking up at her. Her eyes narrow. "You said I'm not allowed to use them in which case I'm using them would be if I'm attacking someone. I'm only threatening you with it meaning that I'm not technically using it. I'm bargaining with it," she says.

"Trying to bend my rules aren't you?" I smirk. "If you wanna play a game of tag then twist the rules then so can I," she glares down at me. I laugh and grab her candy cane harshly. She's gets this surprised look on her face and then I break the candy cane into two. She immediately let's go and holds her chest in pain. Did I just find a weak point? I smirk evilly and quickly climb up the cage to which she noticed. She tries to run off the cage but not before I grab her and hold her closely. "I got you darling~. Plus I found a weak spot which makes this ten times better," I whisper in her ear. I grab her other candy cane and snap in causing her more pain and causing her to yell out. "How about I take you to the tent so we can easily get this over with. I wanna make into a special type of candy," I whisper to her more.

All I hear from her is pained gasps as she suddenly has another candy cane with her. Well two more to be exact. "No...I...will not...give up...until...I daughters...again," she says trying to strike me with another one of those canes. I easily catch it and take the other away from her. "After exposing your weakness you're still trying to fight back," I quietly inquire. I snap a cane and she immediately falls to the ground clutching her chest as pained groans and gasps come out her mouth. "News flash darling you're not gonna win. I know your weakness and I know what effects you. Stop fighting back you're never gonna win," I say snapping the other in half and watch her go through more antagonizing pain. I drop the canes and get down to her level and grab her throat. "Let's put you to sleep until we get there, shall we?" I tighten my grip on her neck until she can't breath anymore. I watch as she tried to not only fight me but fight the pain that's surging through her chest. Soon enough she's passed out and I pick her up. I think this'll be a very nice piece of candy.

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