The Park

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(Be warned the first few chapters are terrible)

Tap, tap, tap, HIT
"Man what the fuck! That stupid ass bird couldn't go through those pipes even if it was held at gunpoint!" I yelled angrily at my phone. "Well what's got you so upset?" Lightning asked from beside me. " Fucking flappy bird bitch!" I yelled in reply. "OKAY then." She said. "Mommy said a bawd word." "Yeah I know, but what do you think 'fuck' means?" I heard the two newest recruits say. They were about 3 1/2 years old now. I don't know when they started calling mommy. I just know that it happened after I started to give them candy. "Hey now don't you say that word" I said. "But you said it, so why can't we say it?" "Because you're too young and I'll get in trouble for it." I replied. "But what does it –" "Ask about it again and no candy for the rest of the week."  I said quickly cutting them off. That shut them up right away. I was about to leave and eat something when I got a text.
(Text convo)
The puppet

Hey what are you doing?

Nothing much, you?

Nothing either


Hey I got a great idea, how about we go out and have fun? How does that sound?

I'd love to but I'm stuck babysitting the twins. And why don't you just ask mascara to go with you?

Okay #1 mascara is sleeping and #2 Just bring them,what's the worst that can happen?

Famous last words

I'm serious. Just bring them.
They're 3 what's the worst they could possibly do?

But okay I'll bring them. Where are we going anyways?

This amusement park I heard of.

Perfect let me just get the twins ready then get ready myself. I'll knock on your door when we're ready!

Yeah I should probably get ready myself. So maybe 2 or 3 hours tops?



(End of text convo)

As I looked up from my phone I noticed the twins and lightning were gone. Great another wild goose chase. Should probably change that to four hours at least. I'm serious getting the twins ready are like trying to get a dog or cat to go to the vet.

"Yes mommy?!" "Come down here I have a surprise for you guys". And like the roadrunner I saw two little girls in front of me. "WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT WHAT IS IT???!!!!" They yelled in unison. "Well aunt puppet asked us to go to an amusement park with her. What do you say you wanna go?" I asked. "*gasp* YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!" The yelled in unison. "When do we go????" Chloe asked. I made a thinking face and said,"how about..... NOW." "YAY!" They yelled. I think this will be easier than I think.

Hey everybody!
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Please no mean comments. When I see mean comments on something of mine I get sad. 😢😢😢😢😢
So please no mean comments
Goodbye my sparkling diamonds

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