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"You see this is why I don't go on missions," Lightning complains while putting her head in her hands. "Now let's calm down. I know that he's missing but that doesn't mean that he can necessarily hurt anyone. I mean everyone has a partner," I say trying to calm everyone down. Lightning seems to do just that but Fire seems a bit on edge. "Fire, it's okay. We'll find him," I say trying to comfort her. She shakes her head rapidly and then looks dead into my eyes. "Something's wrong with Toxic," Fire says and then takes off running into the direction where Toxic would've been. We quickly run after her as she jumps onto large cages and tumbles onto the ground. Finally we reach an area when it covered in dead bodies. Luckily it's the bodies of those humanoid creature things that were chasing me earlier and not one of our own.

"They look like they were dipped in acid," Lightning comments and I nod noticing that. "It was Toxic. Lightning, Puppet was with her right," Fire questions and Lightning nods. "She should be fine but...something isn't right. Let's continue," Fire says and continues to run towards where Toxic should be. Finally we end up slowing down and hiding behind some large cage. From there we could hear voices. "Is she the one who killed all of them," I hear the clown say. "Leave her alone," Puppet says. I'm able to peak under the large cage and see that by the way Puppet's feet are positioned, she's in a fighting stance. I could see Fire starting to flare up and I try to calm her down but she ended up burning the ground around her. "Do we have more visitors," I hear the clown say and then there's silence. "Come out from behind that cage," he says and then Fire immediately jumps up and comes out from behind the cage.

"Is that everyone?" He says and then Lightning gets up. I shake my head and pull her back down. I mouth to her, "This is Fire's problem." She nods and then Fire says yes. I quietly move closer to the edge of the cage and then peek over. There I see an unconscious Toxic being held by the clown and with Fire and Puppet looking as though they are about to fight him. "Is she your sister," the clown says motioning towards Toxic. "Yes and if you don't put her down then you're going to heavily regret it," Fire says flaring up. "Ah ah ah, if you attack then her story book comes to a close," the clown says and then laughs. "What do you mean," Fire asks. "He gave her some poisonous candy and only he knows the antidote. If we attack or kill him he won't give us the antidote," Puppet explains. Fire gets a scowl on her face as the clown just laughs. Suddenly I feel someone shake my shoulder and I look over at Lightning. "We can't be killed right so, why is it such a big deal that he poisoned her," she whispers and I whisper back, "I have no fucking idea." Lightning rolls her eyes and motions for us to leave and possibly find other people in the park. I nod and we both quietly stand up. She grabs my wrist and starts to tip toe away.

We both make it a good ways away before we start to actually run. "Like I said, Mama and Love are in the north so let's head there," Lightning says and I nod. We both run towards the front of the park until we finally see Love. "Love," I scream and jump hug her. "Woah darling at least take me to dinner first," she says hugging me back. "Unless you wanna skip the dinner," she whispers in my ear with a smirk. I pull away and glare at her. "You're trying to get me into bed in a situation like this," I say and she laughs ruffling my hair. "I could never get you into bed. You're like a daughter to me," she says and then I look around. Hoodlet and Hatchet were there and then suddenly my eyes meet Mama's. "Darling you should really be careful now and days," Mama says coming closer to me and cupping my face. I tear up and nod. I always get emotional when I feel as though Mama is disappointed in me. "Wipe those tears darling. There's no need to cry now. You're fine now," she says wiping my tears. "I shouldn't be able to get captured," I say wiping my oncoming tears. Mama hugs me and comforts me greatly.

"We didn't find anything in our area. Did you guys find anything," Hoodlet asks. "Um we found Candy and then went to go check on Toxic and Puppet," Lightning says. "Fire went with you so where is she? Also if you guys ended up finding Candy then Toxic and Puppet shouldn't have found anything on their side of the park," Love says. "Weeeeeelllll they kind of got mixed with the clown that owns this place and tortured Candy. Fire seemed like she had everything on lock down so they're probably fine," Lightning says looking away from Love's gaze. "What?! We got to help them," Mama frantically says and pulls away from the hug. "They seemed fine to me," Lightning says and pulls out her PSP from her back pocket. "Now is not the time to be playing games," Hatchet says and takes away the PSP. Lightning whines and Hatchet rolls her eyes. "We got to go help them," Hoodlet says then runs off into the direction where Toxic and Puppet should be with Fire. Everyone proceeds to follow but takes different routes such as jumping on rides and then cages and various other things to make them go faster. Once we finally get there we see Puppet and Fire on the ground. Puppet seemed unconscious or possibly dead but Fire was alive and had a knife in her stomach. The clown was nowhere to be found.

One way or another {Laughing Jack Fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum