7. Wyatt

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I watched as a beautiful girl named Ivy run down streets with a smile spread across her face.

The street lamps illuminated her face, making her look like a goddess.

She twirled and twisted as her red dress lifted to reveal a small bit of her thigh.

I smiled.

"Ivy Ivy Ivy Ivy..." I said to myself.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt. When did you just decide to come to me at the dance?" She asked, out of nowhere.

I paused as she hit her lip.

I smiled. Adorable.

"Well, ever since I saw you in the library. I've kind of liked you since then."

I felt my cheeks grow warm as I looked down at my shoes.

I felt her warm hand pick up my chin as she looked in my eyes.

"Me too." She replied softly.

Her face was slowly coming closer to mine, and my heart stopped.

I felt our noses touch as I let out a shaky breath.

"Let's dance, Oleff." She whispered.

She then pulled her face away from mine and did a spin.

"I've got some music, if you want to dance, like, right now." I told her, trying to recover from her cuteness.

"Yes yes yes!" She yelled as she clapped her small hands together.

I smiled and pulled up a slow song.

I set my phone on the concrete and walked towards Ivy, who was walking around the street looking at god knows what.

I grabbed her hand and brought her to the centre of the road.

She placed her arms around my neck as I put my hands nervously on her waist.

We danced as she closed her eyes and rested her head in my chest.

I felt my heartbeat speed up as she huddled close to me.

It was silent with the music, but I liked it. It was comfortable.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment while it lasted.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a truck with its headlights coming towards us.

There was a loud honk as I picked up Ivy in my arms and ran toward the sidewalk.

The truck roared by with angry people mumbling inside.

"I think those guys almost hit me today." Ivy said sleepily.

"Today?" I asked as I picked up my phone and stopped the music.

"Yeah, when I was walking to school." She told me.

"You tired?" I asked. "You look sleepy."

"Yeah. Gimme a hug, Wyatt." She said as her hands shot up towards me.

She walked toward me with her eyes closed and her arms open.

I felt her arms wrap around me as her face dug into my chest.

"Hey, how about I give you a piggyback home." I suggested to the sleepy girl resting in my chest.

Truth be told, I never wanted this to end. But as people say, nothing good ever lasts.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She said as she walked around me and hopped on my back.

I boosted her up and started walking.

"Which way is home, Ivy?" I asked.

I heard soft snoring in my ear as I walked toward the school.

I thought that maybe if her friends were still at the dance, they could give me directions.

I carried her back to the school and into the gym where I immediately felt eyes on me.

I looked back at Ivy to see she was still sleeping through the blaring music.

I walked over to Finn.

"Hey Finn!" I shouted over the music.

"Wyatt! What's up!" He replied, going in for a hug.

He quickly pulled away after noticing Ivy.

"I know you two are friends, so do you know the directions to her house?"

"Yeah, are you gonna take her home?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded.

I saw him look at Sophia and point to me.
Sophia looked shocked as she stared at Ivy, who was passed out cold on my back.

Sophia wiggled her eyebrows at Finn, as Finn looked back at me.

"Alright. You go down Wright Avenue, then take a left on the Main Street. You'll see a cute yellow house. Look for the one beside that. The big one is hers."

I nodded and thanked him as I left the gym, feeling more eyes on me the second time around.

I walked down the quiet streets and followed Finn's directions.

When I got to the house, I grabbed for the front doorknob.

To my surprise, it was open.

I walked in and closed the door.

I then took her to what I assumed was the living room.

I plopped her down on the couch and lightly shook her.

She woke up slowly.

"Wyatt?" She said in a raspy voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I just dropped you off, Ivy. Just to make sure everything was alright." I replied softly.

"Thanks Wy."

Cute nickname.

"Anytime, Ivy."

"You still like saying my name, don't you." She said with a smile, as she laid her head down on the pillow.

I sat down on the floor beside the couch that I set her down on.

"Yeah, Ivy."

"You know," She said, changing the subject. "That ever since I've been with you, nothing has gone wrong."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a small laugh at her sleepiness.

"I'm a mess. Like a bad luck charm. You're -"

I cut her off.

"Ivy, you're not a m-"

Then she cut me off.

"Shhhhh. What I was going to say is that you're my good luck charm."

She then tapped my nose and hummed.

"I think you're just tired, Ivy."

"No, you're tired." She said in a 'matter of fact' voice.

I laughed. She was cute when she was tired and loopy.

"I think I should go, so you can get some rest." I told the tired girl as I got up slowly.

"No!" She shouted. "You, mister, are going to stay and sleep with me."

"Ivy, I don't think that's necessa-"

She grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me upstairs.

I forgot and I'm sorry
Written; October 4

Bon voyage,

Good Luck Charm ➳ Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now