3. Ivy

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"What do you mean?" I asked Levi as he practically was on top of me.

He was so close that I could feel his heart beat, and he could sure feel mine at the rate it's going at.

I turned my head at how close he was to me.

"Face me when I'm speaking." He calmly asked.

I looked back as his forehead leaned on mine.

I tried to push myself further up against the wall, but it was no use.

"Do you want to go to the Valentines dance with me, Ivy?"

I felt his hot breath on my nose (He was taller than me).

"Sure." I said quickly, trying to get him off of me.

"I'm glad the prettiest girl in the high school would dance with me."

A gave him a fake smile.

Before he backed off of me, he kissed my cheek.

I awkwardly accepted it, because, you know, I was pinned up against the wall by a grade 11 boy.

He slowly let off the pressure on me and walked away.

As he was fully across the gym, I took my first full breath.

That was intense. 

I ran toward a wide eyed Finn, so I assumed he saw that.

"What the fuck." Finn said, his mouth gaping open.

"I don't know either." I laughed, patting his shoulder.

"What did he ask?" Finn basically screamed.

"He asked if I wanted to go to the dance with him." I told him with a shrug.

Finn was running circles around me.

"I need to tell Sophia." He yelled, adding emphasis on 'need'.

He ran away towards the girl who's hair was winter fire.

(Your hair is winter fire, January embers, my heart burns there toooooooo)

I saw her reaction go from neutral, to excited, to screaming.

Her mouth was agape as she looked at me.

I shrugged.

She ran to me. "Levi asked you to the dance?!"

"Yeah, let's not make a big deal about it though," I mentioned, looking around. All the girls around us were glaring at me. ", people are looking at us."

Finn and Sophia looked around before nodding.

"Let's go. The bell is gonna ring in, like, two minutes." Finn said.

We followed Sophia out the door and grabbed our bags.

We stood by the door and waited for the bell.

It was 30 seconds until the bell when my name was called over the announcements.

I groaned.

"You guys can leave without me." I said before walking to the office.

I pushed open the office door and walked right to the desk.

"What did I do wrong this time, Angie." I asked our secretary.

I'm here so often for doing things I don't even know I'm doing, so I know basically everyone in the office.

"This time, you got dress coded."

"For what?" I asked, thinking my outfit was fine.

"Apparently the blood on your sweater was making kids uncomfortable." Mrs.Keene shrugged.

I just nodded. "And no one even asked if I was okay."

"It's alright, dear. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Probably." I said as I walked out the door to Finn and Sophia.

"I told you guys to leave if you wanted to." I laughed.

"Yeah, but we didn't want to." Sophia told me.

"Alright, let's go." I smiled, waving them towards the exit.

We all walked out as a trio, and into the streets.

With my friends, my luck isn't horrible. I'd like to think that they're my Good Luck Charm.


Finn and Sophia had already reached their houses, but of course, my house was three blocks away from both of them.

I walked for the three blocks alone, thinking about my day.

I confirmed my crush on the curly haired boy, but I'm going to the dance with Levi.

Why did I even say yes to Levi?


I shook my head rapidly at my mistake.

I should've asked the boy with the dimple, rather than letting myself get pressured (literally) into going with a guy because he thinks I'm pretty.

But, he is popular. He might make me popular!

I shook my head again. That's a horrible way to think.

My stomach was doing flips, regretting some previous decisions.

I walked up to my doorstep and opened the front door.

I was greeted by the sound of silence.

I dropped my bag by the front door and screamed, "I'm home!"

I waited for a response, but I guess mom isn't home yet.

I sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.

I turned on an episode of SpongeBob before grabbing my phone.

I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw that Finn had posted a photo.

I went to the likes, hoping to find the curly headed boy.

I scrolled down before seeing a profile picture of a guy, who's features were unnoticeable.

I clicked on the profile and saw that it was indeed the curly haired boy.

I followed his account in an instant, to see that he was already following me.

Oops. I tend to not follow people back.

I smiled, knowing that we have some sort of mutual friendship if we follow each other on instagram.


I got up and walked to the kitchen to grab a snack when I saw a note on the counter.

It read, 'coming home late, make dinner for you and I, xo, mom'

"Of course." I mumbled to myself.

Another night alone.

But, maybe not.

Remember how I said I was going to write more? I lied.
Written; September 29

Bon voyage,

Good Luck Charm ➳ Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now