2. Ivy

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Mr.Kelly's geography class is always the most interesting and fun class through the first semester.

He's so great, I could probably give you a list of how great he is.
1. He lets you call him by his first name (which happens to be Shane)

2. He is basically a councillor, and is always down to talk.

3. He goes off topic during class so much that we barely get anything done.

4. He's easy to persuade, so grades get raised pretty easily.

I could go on and on.

I walked in the classroom and took a seat in an empty desk.

I looked to the front of the room to see the same curly haired boy I saw in the library.

I watched as he turned his head to talk to his friends.

A small dimple popped up on his cheek as he smiled.

I felt my face getting warm.

I quietly gasped before hiding my face in my blood-stained sweater.

Mr.Kelly walked into the class, and headed straight to the front of the room.

Once he got there, he started speaking.

"Hey guys! I'm Mr.Kelly if you don't know, and I'll be your grade 10 geography teacher!"

The class corrupted in clapping and giggles.

"So, I know most of you, mainly because I was the geography teacher for last years grade 9 class....." He said, trailing off.

Here he goes again.

"Oh! I remember when you guys were so small last year, I could just pick you guys up with your chubby cheeks!" He was squealing.

A girl sitting in front of my raised her hand.

"Yes, Alex?" Mr.Kelly spoke.

(lmao self promo for my other books)

"You're rambling again, Shane." She said, laughing.

"Oops." He said before continuing with his lesson.


I was about to walk out of the classroom before Mrs.KnowItAll closed the door.

"As Grade 10 president, I would like to inform you that that valentines dance will be a go this year, we just need some people to help set up. Any volunteers?"

I rolled my eyes and waited.

I saw as she counted the people behind me.

"Isn't the dance in tomorrow?" Someone shouted from the crowd of people waiting to leave the geography classroom.

"Yes it is. Any more volunteers? How about you, in the front?" She asked in a fake voice as she pointed at me.

I just shrugged.

"I'll take that as a yes!" She squealed before opening the door.

People filed out, discussing the dance.

"Meet in the gym at 2:35 for setting up the dance!" Cherri (the know it all) shouted down the hall.

I nodded and walked to my next class.


I checked the time, and it was already 2:30.

I walked up to my history teacher, to asked to be dismissed.

"Hey, can I go help set up the gym for the dance?" I asked.

He looked at the blood on my sweater in disgust.

"Sure." He said before waving me out of the room.

I walked out and down the hall.

I heard people talking behind me, so I looked back.

It was three boys.

One with straight, honey brown hair, one with brown hair and freckles, and the boy I saw in the library.

I turned my attention back to the front before I ran head first into a teacher.

"Sorry." I whispered before speed-walking to the gym, trying to not blush over the fact that the curly haired boy saw me.

I guess I like the kid.

When I got to the gym, my best friend Sophia ran up to me.

"Hey!" She screamed before sliding to me.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked as we walked to the centre of the gym to get props.

"Nothing really. Anything juicy happen today?" Sophia asked as we taped paper hearts to the wall.

"Kind of." I said in a low tone.

"Tell. Me. Everything." Sophia demanded.

"Basically, I saw this boy in the library and I think he's pretty cute." I said in a low voice.

Sophia squeaked, "YESSSSS!"

I told her to be quiet before somebody heard us.

"Sorry, I just get excited. Do you know his name?" Sophia asked, impatiently.

"I don't know, but he has curly hair and a dimple." I mentioned before walking to the other side of the gym to place more props down.

I looked back for a brief second to see Sophia trying to scream, but no noise was coming out.

I chuckled softly. I looked ahead, and with my luck, I ran right into a wall.

I backed away from it with my hand on my head.

I mumbled a curse word before setting up more props.

I turned around and walked back to Sophia, who had her arms open for me.

I walked into them.

"It's alright, man. Things happen. No need to get embarrassed."

I nodded slowly into her shoulder.

"You ready to set up more props?"

I let go of the hug as she softly held my shoulders.

"Yeah. I'm just such a mess." I whispered before walking to the prop table with Sophia.

"Don't be hard on yourself, kiddo." I heard a male voice behind me.

I turned around to see my other best friend, Finn Wolfhard.

I smiled at him weakly, as he patted my head and grabbed some props.

I walked over to the other side of the gym to place some paper hearts on the wall when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, careful not to hurt myself, or someone else.

I saw the schools most popular boy standing there with a sly grin spread across his face. He was in Grade 11, and I was a small Grade 10.

"Hey, Ivy." He said as he placed his hand on the wall, practically leaning on me.

I leaned back awkwardly, not wanting to be this close to him.

"Hey Levi." I said quickly. "Do you need anything?"

He was slowly pushing himself on to me.

"You." He whispered, tapping my chin.

Trying to get back in the habit of writing again :)
Written; September 29

Bon voyage,

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